標題: Cheap Jerseys

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2456
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-6-16 09:34
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By Ralph SeeramIt would seem that the opposition parties in Guyana have already lost next month’s election, that is if you are to believe their recent pronouncements about the lack of equal access to some state controlled media outlets. According to the opposition, it would not be a fair and free election if they do not get equal time as the PPP.All this hue and cry about media access makes me wonder if the opposition parties are setting up themselves an excuse in the event they are defeated in coming elections.I am overseas and I can hear their message, and if I was a voter in Guyana it is not the message that would convince me to vote for them. Besides accusing the PPP Government of being corrupt, with justification, I have not heard anything of substance from APNU on why it should be elected to run the country.To its credit the AFC did come out with ideas on how it would manage the economy, but the AFC is not going to win the election. The most it can hope for is for the PPP to fall below 50 per cent of the votes. This of course would place the party in “the driver’s seat” in forming a coalition Government.My view is that the AFC will win fewer seats than it enjoys now. Why? Because most of the seats the party won were at the expense of the PNC and not the PPP.By the way,China NFL Jerseys, would the AFC please tell the Guyanese voters which party it would be willing to work with should the party find itself in that unenviable position? If I was to place my bet I would say the party will go with the PPP.The PNC is a bit more energized with the presence of Mr. Granger and I believe the PNC will recapture some of those votes. Notice I said PNC not APNU. After all they are one and the same. The PNC is just trying to get away from the stigma of being the PNC so when the PPP talks about the past evils of the PNC it would have little effect on young voters,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who see APNU and not PNC.I believe it was a great move by APNU leader Granger, to go under a new name. The few parties that joined the PNC to form APNU bring very little to the table in terms of voting strength. If PNC recaptures some of the votes it lost to the AFC that will not change the dynamics of the elections in terms of the PPP retaining over 50 per cent of the electorate. The danger for the PPP is if its supporters stay away from the polls.This brings me back to my original thoughts about message, media and winning elections. A few weeks ago, in an interview with the APNU leader I told him that his message so far was not strong enough to win crossover votes. He assured me that there will be a surge. “Look out for the surge,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” were his words. With about five weeks before the elections you need to start your “surge”, Mr.Granger.President Jagdeo and the PPP have been creating diversions that have disrupted the opposition campaign strategy. First, he suspended Sharma’s television station. This got the opposition all riled up. The PPP then deflated the issue by postponing the suspension. Now the opposition can’t complain about media access to Sharma’s television. It is suddenly a non issue.By the way are the Guyana Chronicle and NCN the only media outlet in Guyana? Just asking.Why is the opposition worried about exposure in the Chronicle and the state-owned television? There is Guyana’s largest selling newspaper, Kaieteur News,Wholesale Jerseys, in addition to several other television stations.In addition to being Guyana’s largest circulating newspaper, Kaieteur News has over 100,000 hits per day online.? As a side bar let me give you an experience I had on a recent visit to Guyana.We were on our way to Georgetown from Berbice; we made about ten stops to purchase a copy of that Sunday’s Kaieteur News. This was shortly before noon; all the vendors were out of this newspaper. There were copies of Chronicle and Stabroek News but no Kaieteur News.Anyway if the opposition wants to win an election,Cheap NFL Jerseys, forget the television and radio stations; do what the PPP does, go out to “main street and back street” market square and bottom house.Run a good old time campaign to get your message out,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, it would be more effective. Years ago when I was looking to purchase a business, I looked where the Mc Donald’s, Burger Kings fast food stores were located, the 7-Eleven and other chain stores. Why? Because they do not just open a business blindly in a location. They do all their research before selecting their location. They did the work for me also so I bought a business near where these businesses were located.The PPP knows how to run a political ca