標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-8 15:17
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People’s Progressive PartyThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends Easter Greetings to all Guyanese, in particular our Christian brothers and sisters.Easter which is celebrated in observance of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is celebrated throughout the world with prayers and flying of kites.This year’s Easter celebrations is taking place at a critical time in our political life when the country is preparing itself for another general and regional elections which resulted from a power-hungry political opposition. These elements are trying feverishly to deceive and betray the Guyanese people through subterfuge and false promises.But like Jesus Christ who tested the will and eventually triumphed over the betrayal by his one time disciple Judas,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, in same manner the democratic forces will prevail over our present day Judases who is prepared to sell their soul for the gratification of their egos and political ambitions.The PPP remains confident however that the Guyanese people will allow good sense to prevail and reject these power hungry elements who are so obsessed with the love for power that they will stop at nothing to realize their ambitions.The PPP takes this opportunity to call on all Guyanese to reflect on the teachings of Jesus Christ and his humility and exemplary life.Let us also at this time reflect on the enormous progress we have made as a country over the years and to strive to ensure that the gains made over the years are not squandered by those with unpatriotic and anti-national predisposition.As we celebrate Easter let us re-commit ourselves to do all within our power to help our beloved country to soar to even greater heights in the true spirit of Easter.*************************People’s National Congress ReformThe People’s National Congress Reform extends Easter Greetings to all Guyanese and more especially to members of our Christian Community, both here and around the world, on the occasion of the celebration of one of the most important events in the Christian Calendar. This festival, which commemorates the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, contains both in its symbolic significance,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, and its secular relevance, important and powerful messages.For the members of the Christian Community, the Easter story represents the fulfillment of God’s Prophecy that mankind would be offered the hope of eternal life through the sacrificial death of His son,Wholesale China Jerseys, Jesus Christ and His subsequent Resurrection from the dead. It is this faith which has kept the worldwide Christian Church alive and enabled its followers to significantly contribute towards making the earth a better place for all mankind.The Easter season in Guyana is best known for the widespread kite flying activity that is seen by many as a representation of the theme of the Resurrection. Whatever may have been its origins,China Jerseys For Sale, kite flying attracts widespread participation of Guyanese, from all walks of life, regardless of religion,wholesale jerseys china, ethnicity or culture. It, therefore, offers another opportunity for Guyanese to share common experiences and understand each other better.As we celebrate Easter this year, we, in the PNCR, bemoan the corruption, crime and general moral decay that have become pervasive in our land. On May 11th our country has an opportunity with the Coalition,Supply Cheap Jerseys, A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to experience good governance through a Government of National Unity; a chance for a rebirth of national pride and national unity.Let us hope that the symbolism of our kites soaring to the heavens inspire all Guyanese to emulate the example of Jesus for the renewal of hope for the resurgence of the conditions needed for the future development and prosperity of this our Dear Land of Guyana.A HAPPY AND BLESSED EASTER TO ALL!