標題: Wholesale China Jerseys PPP

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-11 13:47
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– Hopes recent road work is not targetedDeeming court action undertaken by the Opposition as “errant” and “misguided”, Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn expressed hope that the recently commenced US$47M road project is not stalled or impeded by the Opposition.Speaking at the launch of the high-budget West Coast Demerara Road Improvement project on Thursday,NFL Jerseys Supply, the Public Works Minister said that a failed parliament had been difficult for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration.“We know we had just had the ending of the Tenth Parliament and I would say it’s a very torturous experience. Having a failed parliament…has put us to the point where we have to go to elections two years ahead of the Presidential term,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China,” Benn said.He further said the Opposition had made things difficult for the administration by pushing for frequent court matters. “The Opposition has had us going to court frequently; our Attorney General [Anil] Nandlall has had to go to court to defend frequent issues in respect to expenditure for roads and other infrastructure and initiatives the government is intending to undertake,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” Benn lamented.Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn“I hope that this road project will not see another attack in the courts or any quarter in respect to the launch,Cheap Jerseys Online, the investment or the execution. There should be no hindrance towards the putting in place of this road.”Benn said that the PPP administration has “unabashedly” pushed for investments because there is a desire to see the development and “continued progress” in Guyana. He said too that the government’s continued commitment to development is being witnessed by other entities which, in turn,Cheap NBA Jerseys USA, invest in the nation. One such body Benn said was the Caribbean Development Bank which made a sizeable investment in the US$47M WCD road project.“It certainly has to be because they have an interest in the fact that Guyana has not only assured its own food security but that Guyana,nba jerseys discount, through its rice and other agricultural produce…will assure the region’s food security of the Caribbean by the export of its products.“So, we will want to hope that we don’t have a continuation of what I call errant and misguided resorts to the courts to stop what are plainly investment projects intended for the development, for the well-being of all Guyanese people and also the well-being and development of the Caribbean region.”The recently commenced roadway, which stretches some 30.7 kilometres from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie, is expected to be completed in about 36 months. The contracted companies are BK International and Jamaican company Surrey Paving and Aggregate (SPA) Limited.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-11 13:47
At least two persons were injured yesterday after a car went airborne into a premises on the Hague WestIcyne Roberts whose house was damagedCoast Demerara Public Road. According to reports,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, the incident occurred at around 14:45 hours.This publication was told that at the time of the incident the car, HB 8604,NFL Jerseys Supply, which was driven by Rodwell Cordis, was heading in an easterly direction when it lost control and ended up crashing into a platform and steps of a house.The home owner, Icyne Roberts, told Kaieteur News that moments before the incident, she and her daughter were sitting on the step. According to Roberts,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, she got up and decided to go over to a neighbour. While there she heard a crashing sound and upon checking she noticed the car in her yard.“After I hear the noise I look over and I see the urinal that was in front de yard break down,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, the fence gone and my whole front step and platform come crashing down.”The woman added that three persons were at the time sitting on the step but managed to escape without any severe injuries. One woman identified as Lavern Lake was struck in her back by a piece of falling wood.Meanwhile,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, an eyewitness to the incident related that she and two others were sitting on a bench when an alarm was raised by another person to “look out”. The woman explained that she looked around before moving off and noticed the vehicle “fly through the air”. She related that the car had hit a heap of mud and sand which was on the parapet on the opposite side of the road.“This car come speeding, and at the same time overtake another vehicle and end up slamming into the heap, and then into the air… and it topple over a couple of times before landing in the yard.”In addition, there are reports that the driver of the car was reportedly drunk at the time and attempted to flee the scene but was apprehended. This publication was told that one of the three occupants in the car was rushed to the hospital for medical attention.Meanwhile,Jerseys From China, the homeowner is now wondering who will repair the damage to her house as the driver and the car owner seemed more interested in the vehicle. The woman said she tried engaging the owner of the car in a conversation about repairs to her house but was turned down forthwith.