標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-12 01:41
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Saving Hands Emergency Aid,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, (SHEA) a US-based charitable organisation has stepped up to the challenge of helping to facilitate the medical treatment for three-year-old burn victim, Renia Rogers.Three year old Renie RogersRenia was just 16 months old when she sustained serious burns to her scalp and her right side face.This reportedly happened after a kerosene stove fell on her. However, although the little girl was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and discharged her burns have not healed.The girl’s father, Rol Rogers, had explained that due to extent of her injuries it proved impossible to heal over the years despite, the treatment.Rogers explained that his daughter could not attend school. She spends most of her days at her father Peter’s Hall East Bank Demerara home.Mr Rogers had been trying to garner enough funds for his daughter to seek medical attention overseas when he learnt of the organisation.When Kaieteur News contacted Rogers,Air Max Tn Plus Womens, he expressed gratitude and satisfaction that the organisation has been working quickly to assist his daughter.According to information posted last week by the President of SHEA, Lori Narine, the three-year-old has been accepted for treatment in the USA. “We are currently working out immigration matters so that she can travel for this lifesaving treatment.“We are not just “footing the bill” we have secured treatment and will cover all travel related expenses for Renia and her father.“We are told that Renia’s head bleeds daily and she is at high risk of contracting an infection, so,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, we are working extra hard and extra fast to get her treated as soon as possible,” Narine said in facebook postAccording to the website Saving Hands Emergency Aid, Inc. is a humanitarian organization that provides financial assistance and coordinates free or low cost treatment to address the emergency medical needs of individuals in impoverished countries.Beginning in Guyana and the Caribbean and seeking to expand to other geographic areas in need as funds become available, to support and empower patients who cannot afford crucial medical treatment due to poverty or lack of appropriate services in their home nation.SHEA ‘s vision and methodology is to) identify individuals in impoverished communities with the most need; locate and leverage funding for medical aid and/or humanitarian services on a case-by-case basis; and through partnerships of compassion and expertise, positively impact and improve health conditions one person at a time.Saving Hands Emergency Aid,Cheap Jerseys From China, Inc. has developed into a sustainable and replicable model for improving emergency health outcomes and,China Jerseys Cheap, within a holistic framework of strategic partnerships,Supply Cheapest Soccer Jerseys, to create, fund and implement healthcare plans that provide diverse individuals in need with life-saving medical treatment and services.