標題: Cheap Jerseys Online

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-13 10:39
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– RamotarThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is calling statements by the main opposition party,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), with respect to participation in Local Government Elections, a campaign by that party to discredit the work of the Guyana Elections Commission and to create conditions to give itself an excuse in case it decides not to face the elections.PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar expressed this opinion in responding to a recent article in this newspaper, in which it was stated that the participation of the PNCR in Local Government Elections is unclear at this time, as the party’s position remains unchanged on the credibility of the voters’ list that is being compiled from the recently concluded house-to-house registration process.The statement was attributed to PNCR Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament, Basil Williams, who said that the party’s position will remain consistent with its previous stance.Ramotar also challenged the PNCR’s position that its stance was based on the fact that at times its scrutineers were unable to fulfill their task because at times their stipends were not being paid.This the PPP General Secretary called “a lie” and added that if the claim had any merit, then the party was bound morally to return taxpayers’ money.According to Ramotar, “It has been noted that for sometime now the PNCR has been doing everything possible to hold back Local Government Elections…As soon as one of their demands is met they quickly try to engineer another to cast doubt, slow down or prevent the process…The PPP calls on the PNCR to stop its obstructive behaviour and let us all work for Local Government Elections at the earliest.”The PNCR during its most recent press briefing had indicated that it was too early to say whether it would participate in the elections.PPP General Secretary,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Donald RamotarThe Alliance For Change had also questioned the credibility of the list earlier in the year.That party’s Leader, Raphael Trotman, had said that the National Voters’ Registration Database or Voters’ List was being prepared at times without scrutineers, given that they have not been paid, and his party reserved the right to challenge the authenticity of the list.“The absence of scrutineers diminishes the integrity of the list,” AFC Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, had emphasised.Local Government Elections have not been held in Guyana since 1994.Earlier in the year, the Guyana Elections Commission commenced a house-to-house registration exercise that was born out of the need for the creation of an indisputable National Register of Registrants’ Database (NRRDB) which is to be used as the basis for the preparation of electoral lists, and that would be commonly acceptable by all stakeholders as being unblemished.The Government, GECOM and the Parliamentary political parties, on June 14, 2007,Cheap Jerseys China, had agreed to the preparation of a new NRRDB by house-to-house registration.The Commission had then expressed, “It is the expectation of GECOM, therefore,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, that the primary outcome of the exercise will be the creation of a pure and current NRRDB which would be perpetually updated and purified through future cycles of continuous registration and their respective concomitant claims and objections exercises…This would inevitably lead to the preparation of future electoral lists that would be commonly acceptable by and among all political parties and other stakeholders.”GECOM registered some 430,000 persons during the house-to-house registration, which came to an end on July 4 last.The Commission was hoping to register some 535,000 persons. Its Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally, told this newspaper that the commission took the official list of electors from the 2006 elections and added 20 per cent to it,NFL Jerseys China, which gave them the figure (535,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,000).However, according to Dr. Surujbally, only 69 per cent of the voters from the last elections turned up to vote, and this was closer to the true number of voters in Guyana.