標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-14 07:04
分享  私人訊息  頂部
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is challenging complaints against the police by Magistrate Gordon Gilhuys, who is facing several charges stemming from an accident he was involved in earlier this month.Gilhuys was summoned by the Police for several offences: for careless driving; being an unlicensed driver; failure to produce a driver’s licence; uninsured motor vehicle; uncertified motor vehicle; and unlicensed motor vehicle.The force, last evening,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, said that “the law in Guyana applies to all Guyanese and no one should operate as though they are above the law.”“Mr. Gilhuys is not the first Magistrate to have been charged after being involved in an accident. In the absence of any contrary evidence, the Force took the only recourse available to it, the law.”The Police disputed Mr Gilhuys’s version of the events after the accident, as reported on Capitol News on Tuesday.On the newscast, the Magistrate claimed he was involved in a “minor accident” and that there was no damage to his vehicle or to the other vehicle involved.The police, however, said that at about 19: 45 hours on October 2, Mr Gilhuys was driving motor vehicle PLL 4282 when he slammed into the back of minibus BKK 2579 driven by Carl Lampkin of ‘B’ Field,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, Sophia, at Mandela Avenue, Georgetown.The trunk of the minibus and the bumper of the Magistrate’s vehicle were damaged as a result of the accident. In addition, three passengers in the minibus received minor injuries and were treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and sent away, the Police claimed.Mr Gilhuys claimed that he called the police to the scene,China Jerseys, but they never turned up and so he made his way to the Police station, but the Police never interviewed him or the other driver involved in the accident.However, according to the Police, Lampkin went to the Traffic Office at the Ruimveldt Police Station and reported the accident. While the female traffic corporal was interviewing Lampkin, the police said it was learnt that the Magistrate was in his vehicle outside of the station.As a result, the corporal and another traffic rank, along with Lampkin, went to hear Gilhuys’s version of the accident,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but the Police claimed that the Magistrate then said that the corporal was “too small” to deal with the matter and drove away in his vehicle.The traffic corporal and the driver of the minibus then went to the scene of the accident to conduct investigations, the police stated.The Magistrate, on Capitol News, said he was left surprised when he received a letter indicating that charges would have been filed against him,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, adding that he “finds it difficult to understand how the charges were filed without any investigation being conducted.”The police said that the Magistrate was notified of the charges when the investigation was completed.“In keeping with the legal requirement, a notice of intended prosecution was served on Mr. Gordon Gilhuys by registered post within 14 days while the driver of the minibus was personally served with his notice,Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” the police stated.Since driving away from outside of the Ruimveldt Police Station on the day of the accident, Mr. Gilhuys never reported back to the police in order to deal with this matter and never produced any documents in relation to himself and his motor vehicle or give any statement to the police.The driver of the minibus has denied settling the matter with the Magistrate, the Police stated.