標題: NFL Jerseys China

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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2018-7-17 15:27
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DISTRICT LEADER, ATTORNEY & COMMUNITY ADVOCATE (NY)The Queens Tribune/Press of South East Queens probably analyzed Albert Baldeo best when it endorsed him as a champion of the oppressed in September 2008: “While Baldeo’s abrasive style of bare-knuckle politics may not win him many allies in the political establishment, it’s been effective in voicing the concerns of his community…If’s there’s one person qualified to represent the underdogs, it’s Baldeo.”? He is popularly called the Al Sharpton of Richmond Hill, or the Cheddi Jagan of New York."A long way from Better Hope, Guyana to meet the US President from Hope, Arkansas!" President Bill Clinton congratulates and thanks Albert Baldeo for his leadership and stewardship to the Democratic Party.On February 7, 2012, Albert Baldeo utilized his vision and initiative as a District Leader and community advocate to organize an unprecedented march and rally by the large Indo Caribbean community upon Queens Borough Hall to demand a seat at the table of government, and to keep Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park or “Little Guyana” together as a district, instead of being fragmented into several Assembly,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, State Senate and Congressional seats.This redistricting exercise is done every 10 years, and previous attempts were quashed by those who wanted to preserve the status quo. “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi have both talked about the urgency of now, and have installed in us that we must be the change we want to see in the world. We just cannot sit on the sidelines and expect that we will see changes. Democracy has never been a spectator’s sport,” Baldeo philosophized to those who say that he was born before his time.He is not a professional politician,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, but “became involved in politics because he knows that real economic, social and political reforms are best achieved through legislative action or by revolutionary initiative. Advocacy in the court room has its limitations, whereas you can help an entire nation through political initiatives,” he reasoned.His passion for civil rights and social justice found a natural ally in his professional instincts as a successful attorney.In the legal field, he carved new horizons by becoming one of the youngest lawyers at 22 years, and a Magistrate and Senior State Counsel at 25 in Guyana. He was one of Guyana’s most able prosecutors. His efforts rid the country of many violent criminals who had terrorized and killed innocent hard working families.His most famous case was The State v. Alvin Mitchell, which was reported in the West Indian Law Reports. He prosecuted Mitchell for strangling a young waitress to death in Bartica, and then dumping her out of a land rover. In other cases, he secured convictions against Donald Aulder,NBA Jerseys From China, and his marauding band of killers, who had instituted a reign of terror upon Guyanese.They had robbed and killed several business people, including the Shivram family, who operated a jewelry business. It was this concern for public safety, and making government answerable to the average citizen that propelled him into public service.His historic 2006 State Senate candidacy found its genesis in a proposed bill to legalize racial profiling against people of color, sponsored in the state legislature by the incumbent Serf Maltese, and, citing the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, he said, “he could not in good conscience sit back and allow our children to grow up in the greatest country on earth to be judged by the color of their skin, and not by their content and character.” Baldeo also exposed and condemned police profiling and the quota system of revenue ticketing at a Town Hall meeting and protested to the various Commissioners that minorities were targeted by some of their members. His initiative brought relief to the community.Many referred to the Borough Hall rally as akin to the great march upon Washington decades ago undertaken by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, which led to the removal of the racial barriers we now take for granted in America today, albeit on a smaller scale, and with a “NY’s Little Guyana” focus.For Baldeo and company, it was the fruit of many long meetings for over a year. The group was armed with placards, t-shirts and data from the Asian American Legal Defense Fund and from the Taking Our Seat Organization. They dominated the proceedings, and made their voices heard.“I was born in America, but I never felt like we had any rights or voice in anything. Baldeo changed that today,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, and I will continue his legacy to carry that torch,” some young protesters vowed.There has never been an Asian American or Sout