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註冊 2017-5-12
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發表於 2018-7-26 01:26
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帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2469
用戶失蹤天數 1815
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-26 01:31
…AFC berates legislation as overruling Chief Justice  Minister of Legal Affairs Charles Ramson debating the almost empty opposition benches.By Gary EleazarThe House last evening,Nike Air Max Shoes For Men, in the presence of a boycott of the People’s National Congress Reform, approved the Fugitive Offenders (Amendment) Bill despite staunch opposition to its passage by Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan.According to Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Charles Ramson, SC who piloted the Bill, it was merely meant to clarify the existing legislation which entertained significant chaos.He pointed out that the Bill is seeking to address an imbroglio that has its origin in the ruling of the Chief Justice (ag) as it relates to the extradition order of Barry Dataram who was wanted by the United States of America in connection with dug related charges.According to Ramson following the request by the US Government the matter was dealt with at the magisterial level but was appealed and Chang ruled in favour of Dataram.Ramson said that when the matter was appealed and he was then Justice of Appeal he had surmised that it could not be appealed further Chang should have been bound by a previous case in which the Court of Appeal had ruled citing the case of King versus the Director of Prisons wherein there was an inherent provision that could be drawn from a treaty between two countries.According to Ramson,Cheap NHL Jerseys, it is incumbent to recognise that this ruling by a superior court to that of the High Court has not been challenged to date and he is of the view that the amendments would lend some clarity to the principal Act.“The objective of the exercise is to give statute to the ruling…to prevent continued rush to litigation based on the clarity that the amendments will produce.”He suggested that had the extant law been clearer then Dataram would have been sent packing, “he would not have flown the coup.”Khemraj Ramjattan,Cheap Atlanta Falcons Jerseys, the lone opposition speaker as a result of the “selective participation/boycott” of the PNCR berated the presentation of Ramson calling it a dire attack on the Chief Justice. The amendments represent a second round of statutory overruling of the riling by Chang, he said.He sated that the ruling cited by Ramson namely King versus the Director of Prisons was based on implied provisions and Chang’s ruling was based on fact.According to Ramjattan his utterances were in no way a support of the Barry Datarams of the world, rather it was in support of the rule of law.He stated that Dataram’s ruling was not liked by the rule of law and as such they should have approached the Caribbean Court of Justice and not move to the legislation implying that it did not bode well for the separation of powers namely the Judiciary and the Legislative arm of the government.According to Ramjattan, Ramson was trying to statutise that what is not in the 1831 Treaty with the US is indeed there adding that, “Chang’s ruling was based on a matter of fact (not implied provisions).”He also added that while there is need for clarity in the law the changes should have been made in an amendment to the Treaty with the United States as against the Principal.Ramjattan accused the Attorney General of using the opportunity to add to the legislation, additional powers to the Minister of Home Affairs.According to the Amendment the extradition order may be made should the Minister consider it necessary in the interest of Justice.This according to Ramjattan, the law will be used by the Minister to, “cherry pick” who will be extradited from local shores upon request.Ramjattan posited that this was setting a dangerous precedent.He suggested that if the government were to commence statutorily overturning rulings by Judges then in future they will be reluctant to enhance the jurisprudence.People’s Progressive Party Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall, who supported the Bill,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, said that Ramjattan was wrong in his assertion that the Minister could selectively extradite in that following the order there was still the magisterial process.According to the government MP, “When we feel that the court is wrong we legislate it and there is nothing wrong with that.”This assertion was supported by another PPP MP and Attorney-at-Law,Adam Clendening Jersey, Bernard De Santos.He too supported the amendment saying that at present the law was in chaos and as such persons should not be held to the same maxim of ignorance of the law is no excuseHe said that the law should be clear.According to De Santos regardless of whether the Chief Justice’s (ag) ruling was right or wrong he was bound by the ruli


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2456
用戶失蹤天數 1932
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-26 14:26
By Desilon Daniels“Education is not for rich people. We have an education system that will allow all children, regardless of their circumstances, to reach to the highest level of society and education is the mean of reaching that highest level of society.”With hundreds of students gathered before him, President David Granger emphasised the need for young people to seize educational opportunities, regardless of their current station.Hundreds of students turned out at the National Park yesterday for the rally.It is only then that the youths of Guyana could firmly live up to their potential to positively transform the nation, the Head of State said. He added that all children must be presented with equal educational opportunities.President Granger made the remarks during his main discourse at the Education Month rally held yesterday at the National Park, Thomas Lands. The event saw hundreds turning out and filling the stands. There were students from all levels and trainee teachers from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE).Granger expressed pleasure at attending the event and at being among “young people”. He emphasised that the youths are indeed the future of the country and the nation cannot do without the young. He also highlighted the important role youths will have to play when the time comes.“You will have to take this country over; we [adults] cannot take this country where we’re going. You have to take this country over and lead it into the future… We must remember that the youths are the most important citizens of this country,” Granger said.He added that the importance of youth has long been recognised and that is why the government spends billions of dollars each year to invest in the education system.Granger further said that education was a necessary element if Guyana is to undergo much needed development.“We are here today because education is that gateway to the good life. We’re here today because education is the mother of good jobs, the mother of empowerment, and the mother of enterprise,” Granger said.“Whatever you want to do – to become a businessman, become a professor,Air Max 270 Sale, become a teacher,Wholesale Air Max Tn, become a soldier – the way to get there is through the doors of schools and colleges and universities.”According to President Granger, the best resources of the nation must be made available to the youth of Guyana. He said, too, that the youths in turn must recognise the great responsibility they hold and just how beautiful and precious a country Guyana is.“I want you to understand what a great country you live in…You have to be prepared to take possession of this land,” Granger stressed.He noted, however, that the nation faces challenges. Among the issues, he said, are high failure rates at the Secondary School Entrance Examination (SSEE), high dropout rates at the secondary level, poor matriculation rates, and migration of successful students. He stressed that these areas must quickly be rectified.President Granger said that when it comes to learning, the youths and the nation as a whole must learn to respect each and every person.“One of the most important rules we must learn is respect for each other; we are a multicultural and multiethnic country and we must learn respect for others and respect for ourselves. That’s where the education starts…it starts at home, at the mandir, at the church, at the masjid. It starts at learning to respect one another,Nike Shox Clearance,” Granger said. He went on, “We may look different but what matters is not the colour of our skin or what’s on top of our heads but what’s inside of our heads and where we are going in this country.”Granger stressed that every single Guyanese child must find a place in school, regardless of where the school is or the child’s situation. He emphasised that primary education is compulsory and parents must take this seriously, regardless of their own personal circumstances. In regards to secondary and tertiary education, the Head of State said that youths must take up their opportunities to secure their futures.“Too often we hear that children in some riverine areas or some squatter areas are not getting to go to school,” Granger said before adding, “But together we all can help them…we have to try to get every child into school.”“Education is not for rich people. We have an education system that will allow all children, regardless of their circumstances, to reach to the highest level of society and education is the mean of reaching that highest level of society.”He therefore urged all children at all levels to grasp the opportunities presented to them and, if they do indeed take up these opportunities, to see their decisions through.“I don’t want you to drop out in primary or secondary school. Every year over 4,000 Guyanese


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2443
用戶失蹤天數 2146
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-26 22:12
Authorities are warning that heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, likely to be more than 70 per cent above normal,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey, is expected for the Christmas season with agencies already deployed in the various regions to tackle works.At a press briefing to highlight some of the challenges facing the government,Nike Air Max Zero White, Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet 2018, on Thursday, called on citizens and regional bodies to be on the alert with the predictions of the above normal rains.During the past weeks, there were constant heavy showers across the land but no major damage to crops, as yet.Already, workers have released waters from East Demerara Water Conservancy in anticipation of the rains,NBA Jerseys Store,At a recent press briefing were Chairman of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)? Walter Willis; Chief Executive Officer Lionel Wordsworth; Chief Hydromet Officer, Bhaleka Suelall-Persaud; and the Ministry’s engineer, Fred Flatts.Some 3,000 personnel have been deployed to the regions. There is also ongoing collaboration with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs to assess possible needs for the hinterland area.Several excavators have been sent to strategic sites, also.Minister Persaud cautioned that while Government resources have been placed on full deployment, there will likely be cases of flash-flooding,College Jerseys, a scenario that could hardly be controlled.The Ministry has cancelled its planned social events for December as workers standby for what is promising to be a hectic few weeks of rains.The officials yesterday said that on many days there will be rain in excess of five inches. Established infrastructure could only take off about two inches in some places.The Minister also called on residents and the regional and NDC bodies to pay extra attention to infrastructure and report on the failings.The emergency disaster response service and the Civil Defence Commission, have been put on alert.Persaud urged for residents to also check on workers, including koker operators, to ensure that they function.All of the NDIA 23 mobile pumps and two pontoon dredges will be in operation to boost the 113 stationary pumps.Across the country, several sluices, canals and embankments have been repaired and strengthened to meet the expected heavy rainfall. Wordsworth said that garbage, squatting and vandalism continue to hamper works.Involved in the works also are MMA-ADA, regional authorities, GuySuCo and the farmers’ group.According to Willis, while the Georgetown area has traditionally fallen under the Mayor and City Councillors,Air Max Zero Sale, NDIA and the government still chipped to rehabilitate the Liliendaal pumps, install two new pumps at Kitty and excavate the outfalls to the Demerara River.According to the officials yesterday, they will be sending out public messages on the television and on mobile phones on the situation as it develops.