標題: 台南水電維修 X Daily:穀歌將買下太陽能發電廠所電力

帖子 4001
註冊 2017-5-12
用戶註冊天數 2593
用戶失蹤天數 1867
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-8-1 01:32
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亞馬遜、Netflix、Reddit、Kickstarter、Mozilla、Vimeo和Etsy等公司將與電子前沿基金會(EFF)和數百個其他組織在7月12日一起參加一次抗議活動,“拯捄網絡中立互聯網活動日(Internet-wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality)”,簡稱“活動日”或者“網絡保衛戰”,這些組織包括美國公民自由聯盟、媒體正義中心、美國圖書館協會、組織行動、需求進展、綠色和平組織、MoveOn等。這些公司和機搆的目標是向FCC和美國發出強烈的信息。隨著穀歌和Facebook的加入,這項抗議活動會變得更加聲勢浩大。

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帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2456
用戶失蹤天數 1932
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-8-1 04:03
By Harold A. BascomI hope to revolutionize how the world sees robots and how robots work in general. In the future, no matter how far that might be, I would like to be the one to further develop on Nano-robotics, maybe even find some means to implement it into the medical field as a cure for or even the prevention of viruses. Hopefully by then seeing more and more robots would be the norm in society, so there isn’t a large incongruity between society and using robots as a part of any medical treatment.Excerpt from a college essay, by Roshique Jones.Very often we come across Facebook postings by proud Guyanese parents on the achievements of a son or a daughter who was accepted by esteemed schools and colleges—about a child’s winning of prestigious scholarships to prestigious schools. Many of us as parents, also, read them with swelling hearts or regretful hearts—a lot depending on how good our own are doing or have done. We ‘like’ anyway; it is the decent thing to do. But not all parents of high academic achievers are the same; some are modest and shy away from, as one calls it, ‘boasting’ about their children; and if they do decide to post an academic achievement of one of their children, it seems they do so, halfheartedly. This I understand.Roshique Shemar JonesTwo of Roshique’s awardsThere are many Guyanese who have held onto, and continue to holdto the belief that ‘self-praise’ is no recommendation. I believe, however,China NFL Jerseys, that you have to blow your own trumpet since it’s hardly likely that someone else will blow it for you. And let’s face it, the more we post the academic achievements and successes of our young people,the greater the chances that other young, not so motivated,Aleksander Barkov Jersey, will push themselves to achieve also. So today, it is my pleasure to introduce to my readers, a quiet achiever from the U.S State of Georgia; a humble 18-year old student of Guyanese parentage, who, though unassuming in his deportment,Wholesale China Jerseys, is a quiet achiever, brilliant in a modest way. Dear reader, please meet Roshique Shemar Jones.Roshique, having applied to eleven universities, was accepted to ten of them. (As of this writing, he is being wait-listed on one.) He has even received a scholarship from an ivy league college that he didn’t even apply to. So, what is it to this Guyanese teenager who, though resident in the United States of America, hails from Guyana, South America? In two words: He’s bright. Roshique Jones is a ‘straight A’ honors roll student, and member of his High School’s Robotics Team that just won their division title. He’s also a finalist in the Gates Millennium Scholarship, and will be studying for a dual degree in Engineering with a concentration on Mechatronics and a degree in Animation.But what does Roshique say about himself and his aspirations? Asked about how he has been able to adapt to his North American home, after arriving here at the age of 14, young Jones said: “I have been able to adapt quickly and efficiently to my environment.? This is evident in attending three High Schools in three different countries and still being able to maintain an overall A – B average.? I placed in the top 100 in the Trinidad and Tobago Secondary School Achievement Examination out of a total of 35,000. I have always been in the top 10% of my class at all the schools I attended.”Roshique Jones is a seemingly withdrawn youth. His cool personality, however, contradicts his passion as his focus as a student: “I am on my school’s Robotic Team,” he went on to explain, “and my leadership abilities have effectively helped me in working as a team and handling multiple tasks. I am a quick study, learning new skills quickly and applying them successfully, through both the use of initiative and the ability to understand instructions. I am also a S.T.E.M Ambassador for my high school.” And before I could have asked what the hell the acronym meant,Air Max Scontate Uomo, Roshique smiled and told me: “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.”The following is a little interview that I did with Roshique Jones. He was hesitant in his modesty, but on me insisting he opened up. “My education?? 2002 to2008: Exchange Presbyterian Primary School—Trinidad and Tobago; 2009 t0 2010: Miracle Ministries High School—Trinidad and Tobago …2010 to 2012: St. Joseph’s High school, Guyana. And now here in Georgia: Meadow Creek High School—that was from 2013 to present.”“I made the Honors Roll in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2015. In August and November of 2014, I was the Meadowcreek High School ‘Mustang of the Month’; and again in February, 2015. What else? Oh yes, I was part of the school’s ‘A’ Team, 2012 to 2013; and 2014- to 2015. In 201


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2456
用戶失蹤天數 1932
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-8-1 08:10
(Daily Mail) Three Islamic jihadists were dead last night after Special Forces brought an end to more than two days of slaughter which have left at least 17 dead and spread terror across France.Said and Cherif Kouachi, the brothers who had assassinated 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, died in a blaze of gunfire at a printworks near Paris where they had been holed up with one hostage, who survived.Moments later, dozens of commandos stormed a Jewish grocery 25 miles away in east Paris where accomplice Amedy Coulibaly was threatening to kill 15 terrified captives, including women and children.In an earlier phone call to a journalist,NBA Jerseys From China, Coulibaly confirmed that he was in contact with the Kouachis and the attacks had been ‘synchronised’. He said he had sworn allegiance to Islamic State in Iraq and had targeted the shop because ‘it was Jewish’The 32-year-old, responsible for the death of a woman police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe on Thursday, was also ‘neutralised’ in the assault. But his 27-year-old girlfriend Hayat Boumeddiene – described as ‘armed and dangerous’ is on the run.Witnesses watched in horror as freed hostages fled the scene screaming, some carrying their children in their arms. ‘It’s war!” screamed a mother as she dragged her daughter from the scene.It emerged that four people had been killed while another five are critically wounded. As many as 30 had survived by hiding in a cold store where they kept silent for hours.The bloody climax to the terrorists’ rampage began at around 4.30pm when the Kouachi brothers came out firing’ Kalashnikovs as officers launched an assault on a building in Dammartin-en-Goele, north-east of Paris.Commandos were seen rappelling from a Puma helicopter on to the roof as flash bang grenades were hurled at the factory to disorientate the jihadists,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who had been inside for nine hours. Explosions and automatic gunfire could be heard up to a mile away.Said, 34,Authentic Jerseys From China, and Cherif, 32, were both killed. They had earlier told police that they were ‘ready to die as martyrs’.One officer from the elite GIGN commando unit is thought to have been injured,Cheap Jerseys Online, while hostage Michel Catalano – the manager of a design company – escaped unharmed.It also emerged that the police were aided by a 27-year-old graphic designer who hid inside a box with his phone for more than six hours.Back in Paris, the grocery shop siege was also heading towards a bloody climax. Commandos are said to have hacked in the CCTV of the supermarket, and also communicated with one of the hostages by mobile phone.Coulibaly, meanwhile, gave an interview to a French TV station at the height of the siege where he swore allegiance to Islamic State and said the three days of mayhem had been ‘synchronised’.He confirmed he had shot a policewoman in the south of Paris the previous day and said his terror attacks were synchronised with the Kouachi brothers. ‘Them Charlie Hebdo; me the police,’ he said.Around 15 minutes after are the Kouachi brothers were killed, dozens of officers poured into the shop amid a hail of gunfire and loud explosions which rocked surrounding streets. The shopfront was suddenly lit up by a fireball. Two policemen fell to the floor injured.Ambulances raced to the scene, joining a jam of police vans and other emergency vehicles, all under the eye of helicopters.As hostages broke free, an astonishing story emerged of how dozens had hidden in a walk-in freezer, cowering in minus three temperatures and praying they would not be found.Coulibay had warned he would kill all of his hostages if police launched an assault on the Kouachis. It is unclear if he had carried out his threat before police moved in.Both Cherif Kouachi and Coulibaly had spoken to journalists by phone earlier in the day. Kouachi knew he was talking to a journalist and the conversation was recorded.He said: ‘I am a defender of the prophet. I was sent by Al Qaeda of Yemen. I’m financed by Imam Anwar al Awlaqi. Anwar is a (preacher)’. Koucahi went on to claim that the journalists he had killed at Charlie Hebdo were not civilians but legitimate targets.Millions had watched gripped on television as the three-day manhunt for the terrorists had ended in bloody shootouts, car chases and sieges.At one point seven helicopters and more than 50 police and military vehicles had been involved in a high speeds chase during which shots were fired after the Kouachis broke cover from a forest where they had been sheltering 50 miles north east of Paris.They were forced in to the industrial estate at Dammartin-en-Goele where they made their last stand.Local residents were evacuated or ordered to lock themselves in the