標題: Cheap Jerseys USA in brief remarks

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1830
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-26 15:23
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The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the People’s Republic of China yesterday commissioned a spanking new dormitory for Chinese doctors who are stationed here.The building is situated between East and New Market Streets.Present at yesterday’s opening ceremony was Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Ambassador to Guyana for the People’s Republic of China, Zhang Jungao, Director of International Cooperation Ministry of Health for the People’s Republic of China,Cheap Jerseys From China, Liji Wang, Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and Dr Madan Rambarran among other dignitaries.Dr Rambarran in his address to the gathering said that the building is the achievement of hard work between the two governments. He explained that discussions for the construction of the building started in 2007, and the aim was to provide better living quarters for the doctors.He noted that the building which costs US$350,NFL Jerseys China,000 contains 15 self-contained rooms, an exercise room,NFL Jerseys China, storage room and large living and dining area.Liji Wang opined that building shows the profound friendship between the two governments.The director said that even though the two countries are “divided by a sea” they have continued to renew the friendly relations which they initiated in 1962.Wang stressed that there is a mutual trust between the two nations,NFL Stitched Jerseys, further noting that many other projects were undertaken before. He explained that the new building would obviously provide improved living conditions for the doctors, which would in turn help them to provide even better health care.Meanwhile,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, the Chinese Ambassador in his address to the gathering said that Guyana was the first country in South America to benefit from the Chinese medical team. He pointed out that the team brought their expertise along with the Chinese culture.Minister of Health Dr Leslie Ramsammy said that the medical team has provided tremendous support to the eye care programme. The minister disclosed that the entire cost of the building is just over $120M.Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, in brief remarks, said that he was grateful for the sustained support of the Chinese government.