標題: Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys upon their releas

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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2018-2-1 14:57
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Sometimes I fantasise and during such moments I imagine what life would be like without crime. No one steals; assaulting another fellow human being is unheard of; love for each other abounds and the world is just a groovy place in which to live.Young ladies are free to exhibit their voluptuous curves without titillating men’s libidinal instincts thus rape would be a thing of the past.As a matter of fact, the world is crime free. We live in an egalitarian society where every man enjoys the fruits of his labour without fear of victimisation or envy.? This is the kind of world that we all crave, yet one wonders if the very absence of crime would create the atmosphere for criminal activities.What would become of the Police Force? How would the lawyers earn a living? Would we need the clergy to keep us morally in line? If our answer is in the positive we are simply admitting that criminals are a vital part of the developmental mix.In Guyana, one only needs to be sent to that infamous Camp Street edifice to be scorned by society. It matters not whether that person is sent away for rape, stealing a mango or simply easing his bladder in public; it all adds up to a conviction and convicted felons are avoided like the bubonic plague.Prisons are essential institutions in any democratic society. Many have admitted that ‘prison was not made for dogs.’ On the face of it all, prisons are meant to be rehabilitative institutions.When a judge (or magistrate) sends someone away for a period of time,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, he/she may admonish that individual while sharing the hope that the sentence would serve as a deterrent activities of that nature.Obviously, the high incidences of recidivism nails the lie of the purists that a stint ‘in the cage’ effectively converts the criminal who after his time has elapsed, merges into society and resumes his life without let or hindrance.One of the greatest ironies is that a man is sent away for peddling drugs. His stint is meant to be rehabilitative.? He then discovers that narcotic drugs are readily available behind bars and there is a thriving business within the confines of the prison.Most criminals study their victims and most times discover their Achilles heel before moving in for the kill. Human beings are naturally greedy. There are some people who despite their vast wealth are always on the lookout to augment their possessions.Thieves thrive on this type of indiscretion as the judge in a misappropriation case discovered. The defendant stood before him without a hint of penitence while the judge glared venomously down at him.“How could you swindle people who trust in you?”“But, your honour, people who don’t trust you cannot be swindled.”“Okay I shall have to give you ten days or $10,000.”“I’ll take the $10,000 Judge!”The thing is that we are all unique; nurtured with different values. This means that what one person would shiver to do another would simply commit without a single thought. It is such behaviour that makes the world such an interesting place in which to live.I sometimes wonder what some magistrates hope to accomplish when they send some people away for petty crimes; those that can be punished by community service or even a stern reprimand.Regardless of whether we wish to admit it or not,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, local prisons are not geared to be rehabilitative. If an inmate assesses the situation and decides that the brutality of prison life is deterrent enough to rehabilitate him well,Cheap Jerseys From China, so be it. The blatant truth is that many persons enter the prison system as mere tenderfoots and two or three years later, upon their release, are full fledged criminals.They are bitter with society. Being locked in a cage like an animal for years is no way to reform some people. They become bitter and resentful which oft times leads to recidivism. I recently spoke with a young man who,Cheap Jerseys From China, despite his most valiant efforts,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, cannot stop smoking cocaine. He has been in prison so many times that he has lost count. “The prison gates are like a revolving door,” he sighed as he spoke with me. He then said something that has caused me to ponder deeply. “You know Mike, I was jailed for smoking cocaine but there are more drugs behind those walls than on the street.”Another man complained that no matter how many times he calls the police,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, they never come to his rescue.“It’s always some excuse. If it isn’t that they do not have vehicles it’s there are not enough manpower available.”He said he refused to be daunted. He just shift