標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys China 30hrs

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-2 07:09
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A 36-year-old man has come forward with harrowing claims of being forced to have unprotected sex with a police officer in exchange for a case against him being dropped, at the very Police station where the infamous case of Colwyn Harding’s baton rape made headlines in November of 2014.The sexual assault allegedly occurred on Tuesday evening at approximately 19:30hrs in the ablution area of the Timehri Police station. Up to yesterday afternoon at 17:30hrs, the victim, the man was reportedly yet to receive medical attention.According to the victim, who lives alone, he attended a barbecue on Saturday evening. As he was going home, he was accosted by his neighbour, who accused him of breaking into his house. He stated that his neighbour also pushed him.“So I was going to the police station to make a report,” the victim said. “But before I meet,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the police collect me at Kuru Kuru (Soesdyke, Linden highway). When I go Timehri (police station), the detectives ask the man how he suspects me (of stealing a TV and break and enter).”He recounted that the neighbour then declared that the basis for his accusation was because “People say I am the biggest thief man.”He related that even though he protested his innocence he was placed under arrest by the detective and put in the lockups. He alleged that at the time his step son, a minor, was with him.“I was placed (in the lockups) since Saturday, punishing to eat. I telling them the story, (but) they bring a man who claim that he see me,” he said. However, he was adamant that his stepson had seen who really entered the house.SodomyAccording to the man, for three days he languished in the lock ups, depending on food that other inmates and their families shared with him. He said that some time after 19:00hrs on Tuesday night the detective overseeing his case came to him.“He come to the cell, took me out and said that he wants some information from me and he will send me home. Before that,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he took me out and he loose the boy (step son). And he give the boy money to go back home to Berbice.”“He took me out of the lock up and tell me to give him a deep throat,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, let me (perform fellatio). I did that and he told me that he wouldn’t carry the matter to court; (that) he will arrest the man that did the crime,Cheap China Jerseys,” He said that the detective also sodomized him in the ablution area of the station. He alleged that the detective, when he had finished with the act, told him he had not ejaculated in him.However, the victim related that after spending the night in considerable pain and discomfort, he was shocked that the next day the detective came to him and woke him up, telling him that he would have to attend court at the Providence Magistrate’s Court.“This morning (yesterday) I was surprised to hear that he is carrying the matter to court,” he said. “Since last night I hollering out (but after hearing of the case proceeding) I start hollering out (anew). There is a guy in the lockups that see when he was (having) sex with me.”“When I reach to court, I tell the Magistrate that I’m innocent and (after) the Magistrate put me on $75,000 bail, I also told her what he done to me,Wholesale NHL Jerseys,” the man said. “But while I was there,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey, the detective brought the virtual complainant and they tell me that today I going to jail.”He added that the Magistrate then ensured that the police escorted him to the Brickdam Police Station, after which ranks took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital at approximately 16:00hrs. Kaieteur News understands that the victim has been under police escort since leaving the Timerhi Police Station.According to the man, he was also a witness in the Colwyn Harding baton rape case. Though he never came forward publicly for fear of discrimination, he alleged that the police nevertheless continued to harass him and accuse him of petty crimes.“Since the Colwyn Harding story I’ve never been at peace,” he said.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-2 07:13
Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson yesterday refused to grant bail to two policemen who allegedly helped to forge a license plate number for an unlicensed foreign vehicle.Police Constables Daryl Archer, 31, of 161 Dacuma Circle,Cheap Jerseys From China, Linden; and Rockwell Scarder, 22, of 41 Bagotville East Bank Demerara; were not required to plead to the indictable offense of fraudulently imitating an identification mark.Donald Franklin, who was also charged jointly with the policemen, was not present in court yesterday.It was alleged that on September 7, 2009 at Lethem,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the two lawmen used identification mark PKK 1432 and PKK 1782 on a motor vehicle which was not licenced.Attorney at law Adrian Thompson,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, in a bail application said that the two policemen are still on active duty. He said that the vehicle was parked in the yard of the late Minister within the Ministry of Education,Cheap Jerseys From China, Desrey Fox.He said that Donald Franklin was the one who was driving the vehicle on September 7,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and his clients merely took a lift to Georgetown.Dayrl Archer The lawyer opined that the charge was bad in law and a waste of the court’s time.He asked for his clients to be admitted to reasonable bail or be sent on self bail. Thompson said that he definitely has to check to see if there was any legal objection on the charge.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford, did not oppose bail. He explained to the court that the police decided to bring the vehicle to Georgetown. He said that the policemen later made the forged number plates.Telford said that the police later received information that the vehicle was parked in the Minister’s yard.Even though the prosecutor did not object bail the Magistrate refused bail and remanded the policemen. They are expected to make another court appearance on July 2.The Minister died December 11,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, some three days after she was involved in an accident at the junction of J.B Singh Public Road and Thomas Streets, which involved her motor vehicle PKK 8875 and an ambulance.Days after the accident agents from the Guyana Revenue Authority swooped down on the Minister’s home and seized two vehicles, which they claimed were unlicensed.


帖子 6402
註冊 2017-12-7
用戶註冊天數 2399
用戶失蹤天數 2190
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-2 18:51
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