標題: Off White Air Max 97 For Sale ? section 17

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-5 03:01
分享  私人訊息  頂部
–?? ?‘Chief? Citizen’, deputy overseasToday, Friday August 16,NFL Jerseys Store, 2013, is the scheduled date,Wholesale China Jerseys, in which the Councillors of the Mayor and City Council,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, (M&CC) will meet in a special session, at 15:00hrs,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, to nominate a Councilor, to perform the duties of Mayor.As reported by this newspaper earlier, Mayor, Hamilton Green,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, as well as Deputy Mayor, Ms. Patricia Chase-Green, are overseas for a period.A press statement from City Hall yesterday explained that in accordance to a law “under section 20 of the Municipal and District Councils Act:? The City Council may grant leave of absence to the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor for any period or periods not exceeding three months in the aggregate during their? terms of office…According to the Municipal and District Councils Act, Chapter 28:01:? section 17 (1 and 2): During any period when the Mayor is for any reason unable to perform the functions of his office; those functions shall be performed by the Deputy Mayor. If the Deputy Mayor is for any reason unable to perform the functions of the office of the Mayor in accordance with subsection (1), the Town Clerk shall call a meeting of the councillors to elect a councillor to perform those functions; and the councillor so elected shall assume and perform those functions until such time as the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, as the case may be is able to act.”The press release further advised that “the public should note that the process of nominations and election of a councillor to perform the duties of Mayor will be done by the elective council – Councillors. The public should also note that,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the councillor elected will not be acting Mayor but will be a councillor performing the duties and functions of the office of Mayor.”The latter clarification was provided in relation to an article in this newspaper’s August 15 edition captioned, “Sooba to appoint acting Mayor of Georgetown” in which the mistaken impression was given that the Acting Town Clerk, Carol Sooba, will be selecting an acting Mayor of Georgetown. The facts of the issue were clearly misconstrued, and as a result were misleading. This newspaper apologizes for any inconvenience and unnecessary embarrassment caused by the erroneous publication.