標題: Cheap Jerseys Supply agriculture and ICT

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2455
用戶失蹤天數 1931
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-8 13:43
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The Chinese Government yesterday said that it was looking to encourage and support credible Chinese companies to come to Guyana and look for opportunities for investment and co-operation.Speaking at a ceremony to mark the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Ambassador Yu Wenzhe said that over the years, China and Guyana have conducted fruitful win-win economic co-operation covering a variety of fields. He said more projects are in the pipeline.President Jagdeo arrives at the Chinese Embassy last night“The two sides are currently exploring the potentials in electric power, agriculture and ICT (Information and Communications Technology),” Ambassador Yu said.In addition to government to government cooperation, he said that the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries have also been enhanced. So far,Cheap Jeseys NFL, China has sent nine batches of medical teams of more than 100 medical doctors and specialists and two batches of young volunteers to Guyana.China also provides training opportunities and scholarships to dozens of Guyanese to study in China.“These people-to-people contact help to deepen the understanding and friendship between our two peoples,” the Chinese Ambassador stated.He said that China and Guyana share similar views on many global issues. For example, he said Guyana is pursuing the Low Carbon Development Strategy and China has made great effort to develop a green,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, low carbon and circular economy.“China and Guyana will always remain close friends,Nike Vapor Max Plus, good brothers and reliable partners. I firmly believe that through our joint efforts,China NFL Jerseys, our relations of friendship and cooperation will grow from strength to strength which will bring more and more concrete benefits to our two peoples,” the Chinese Ambassador said.He noted that at the Shanghai World Expo,China NFL Jerseys, the Guyana booth attracts approximately 20, 000 visitors on weekdays and 40, 000 on weekends.Prime Minister Samuel Hinds hailed the growth of the Chinese economy to what it is now,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, being the second largest in the world.He said that Guyana/China relations have grown in recent years and he expects an expansion in economic and trade links. He said there are investment opportunities in tourism, infrastructure, agriculture and science and technology.Hinds said the government of Guyana was committed to continued good relations with China.