標題: Cheap Jerseys 2018 00 hours on Wednesday Hossain

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-16 02:28
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Quick action by the police on the West Coast Demerara,China Jerseys Cheap, led to the capture of a bandit hours after he and his two accomplices robbed a supermarket at Cornelia Ida on Wednesday night.The bandit was positively identified partly by the clothes he was wearing after surveillance camera footage was reviewed by the police as well as the owner of the supermarket, Mohamed Alangir Hossain,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a Bangladeshi national.Police in a press statement said that at about 19:00 hours on Wednesday Hossain,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, 39, was in the process of closing his supermarket when he was attacked by three men,Cheap NHL Jerseys, one of whom was armed with a firearm.The men held him at gunpoint and took away $4,000 and a laptop computer and escaped.The police said that its ranks responded promptly to the report received and arrested one of the suspects in a minibus at Cornelia Ida.Speaking with this newspaper yesterday, Hossain said that he was about to close his business which is popularly known as Bangladesh supermarket, and which is situated in the bottom flat of his house when three men walked in.He explained that at the time there was still one other customer in the establishment. His wife was on her way downstairs to assist him in closing up.According to Hossain, the three men, who posed as customers picked up a bottle of Topco juice and a box of mosquito coil and approached him as if to pay for the items.He said that as soon as they were close to him, one of them pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.“It look like a play gun and I tell him it’s a play gun. He say he go shoot me and he scramble me. I fight with he,” said the businessman.During the scuffle, he was struck in his head and over his eye with the gun, which he still felt was a toy.In the meantime,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, another bandit jumped over the counter and grabbed the cash and the laptop computer before running out with the third bandit.“When the one I fighting with see them run out,Wholesale Jerseys, he get frighten and he too run out the supermarket,” Hossain told Kaieteur News.By this time neighbours who were alerted by the screams of Hossain’s wife, had contacted the police, who responded swiftly.They were given a description of the men and they immediately went after them.It was only then that Hossain realized that he was wrong about the “toy gun” and was lucky that it was not used on him.“I hear they fire at the police,” he said of the escaping bandits.Hossain said that a few minutes later the police returned with a man who fitted the description of one of the bandits that had attacked him.The ranks again reviewed camera footage which convinced them that the captured man was indeed one of the bandits.“He had on the same clothes,” the businessman said.This was the first robbery attack on Hossain who set up shop six years ago.But despite the attack, the Bangladeshi businessman said he is not scared since, “I know it happen steady. This is a normal thing in Guyana.”Police hope to identify the two remaining suspects with a view to eventually capturing them.