標題: NFL Jerseys From China Cuyuni Mazaruni

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-16 05:27
分享  私人訊息  頂部
A miner of the Puruni area, who police said attempted to traffic more than 1000 grams of marijuana wasSherwin Hindsremanded to prison yesterday when he appeared at a City Court.Police said that 29-year-old Sherwin Hinds of 126 Third Avenue,NFL Jerseys China, Bartica,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Cuyuni Mazaruni, carried the suspected illicit drug in his haversack until he was discovered at the Bartica Police Station.It is alleged that on Sunday at Bartica Police Station he had in his possession 1394 grams of cannabis sativa (marijuana) for the purpose of trafficking.Hinds denied the charge when it was read to him by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.In association with Attorney-at-Law Latchmie Rahamat,Nike Vapormax Plus Sunset, Attorney Peter Hugh,Cheap China Jerseys, made an appearance for Hinds and applied for bail. Hugh denied his client’s ownership of the bag. “I am informed that the bag was in a passenger seat in a boat at Bartica coming from Parika.” He said that his client never claimed ownership of the bag nor its contents. He added that the police pinned the offence on his client after multiple passengers suggested seeing his client with it.“That’s how it happened…It’s the case of multiple occupants…I ask that this be taken as consideration in my application for bail.”However Prosecutor Inspector Neville Jeffers said that police,Wholesale China Jerseys, acting on information, saw the defendant with a haversack at the police station. Subsequently,NFL Jerseys China, the bag was searched in his presence and the police officers found the narcotics.The Chief Magistrate then refused the defendant bail and the matter was transferred to the Bartica Magistrate’s Court where it will be called on May 20.