標題: Cheap Jerseys Online at the back

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-18 04:57
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A Bourda Market pepper vendor who interrupted a ‘robbery in progress’ late Wednesday night is in a serious but stable condition after being shot in his abdomen.The man, Saheed King,Wholesale Jerseys Online, 30, of Maida, Corentyne,nfl jerseys china, Berbice was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) early yesterday, where he immediately underwent surgery and is now a patient in the Hi-Dependency- Unit (HDU).King told Kaieteur News that he was at the side of a Canter truck and all he remembered was hearing “a gunshot” after which he woke up in the hospital.Kaieteur news understands that King had unknowingly approached the scene where the bandits were carrying out their attack.One of the gunmen,Cheap Jerseys, who apparently thought that King was about to intervene, shot him in the abdomen.Thahurdai Persaud,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, 43,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, and her husband Errol Gardner,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 40, who were the main victims of the robbery, related their horrifying story to this publication yesterday.The couple, who are also vendors, recalled that they had just finished packing their ‘loads’ when the bandits attacked them.Gardner said that his wife was sleeping inside the truck (at the back) and he was about to drive off when a man “appeared from nowhere”, stuck a gun to his side and demanded cash.“I push him away and tell him that I don’t have money. Then two other guys came and start hitting me in my head.”Gardner said that the “beating” lasted for at least 15 minutes. “They took off my chain and ring, which value almost $500,000, plus they carry away at least 300,000 in cash.”He said that he overheard one of the men telling the other two to shoot him, but “I beg for my life.”His wife was gunbutted by one of the bandits who relieved her of the cash before they all made good their escape.The injured couple along with King was rushed to the GPHC where Gardener and Persaud were treated and sent away.The 40-year old man said that during the 15 minutes ordeal, other vendors did not hear ‘anything’ because a relative, Kishan Balkaran, whose car was parked next to the truck, was “playing music”.Balkaran, who was at the scene managed to slip out of the bandit’s sight and hid.Relatives are now questioning why Balkaran did not notify anyone that a robbery was taking place.The police were notified and they are on the look-out for the men. (Romila Boodram)