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作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2018-7-20 16:39     標題: Jerseys Wholesale

By Fareeza HaniffMy, My!!! What a Christmas for Santa Claus… Whewww!!!! This is the first time that old St. Nick has received so many letters from children all across Guyana. But,Cheap Jerseys 2018, not withstanding the thousands of letters, Santa Claus had to ensure that he put smiles on each and every little face.Kaieteur News learnt that upon receiving the more than 5,000 hand written letters, Santa and his elves quickly got to work in reading through them, with the hope of fulfilling each and every wish. The majority of letters came from the mining town of Linden, while the others were from almost every administrative region in the country.Santa and his elves got some hearty laughs, as they read through some of the letters, while there were some that brought tears to their eyes.While some children asked for lap top computers and Razr cell phones ( one youngster even provided a photo of the phone and demanded free credit), others only asked for a mother or a father to spend Christmas with. One little guy said his only wish was to see snow and begged Old St Nick to make this happen.? One little girl was specific in her request. “Santa please send me a pink doll house. It has two doors and sells at Footsteps on Regent Street for $2,600.”One little girl even asked for a stepfather.Some children even sent their pictures and asked, “Am I not cute Santa?” while others reminded him that he forgot to send them presents last year, and he shouldn’t do the same this year.Santa got a really good laugh and questioned replacing one of his elves after one of them sought to salvage a ‘PTO’ for a child.This was after the elf noticed the acronym at the bottom of the letter and mistook it for part of the request.With an innocent smile she enquired “Santa where can we buy a ‘PTO’ for this child?” In a Ho, Ho, Ho chuckle, Santa said “My dear, PTO is not a toy,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but it simply means, ‘Please Turn Over.’After all the letters were sorted through, Santa Claus and his eight reindeers had a really difficult time in distributing the letters to the countless children, as he had to cover the entire country within one night.Despite the hurdles,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, old St. Nick made up his mind that each child had to get their gift so that they can have an enjoyable Christmas and not be disappointed.However, not only Santa Claus and his elves had a bundle of work to do but the Guyana Post Office also had their work cut out for them.The post office had to ensure that Santa Claus received his letters in time so that the thousands of kids can get their presents before Christmas.However, this did not prove to be too difficult.Deputy Post Master General Henry Dundas said that the post office received more letters this year as opposed to last year and he is very much surprised that the letters came in early so that Santa can get his bundle on time.Dundas explained that the entity anticipated that this would be a rather busy season, and as such they were adequately prepared to deal with it,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, as the staffing capacity in the parcel department was boosted to deal with the influx of mails, especially those to Santa.Persons sent in their letters early due to the increase in public awareness and the work of the postal administration in advising persons to post their mails early so that it can be delivered before Christmas.While thousands of children refused to use technology to send their letters to Santa Claus, it was explained by Dundas that the increase in the use of technology has affected the operations of the post office.However, according to Dundas, there is something special about a card that was specially purchased and written on and this is something that most persons feel good about and look forward to.Well, I guess this is how Santa feels when he receives the many letters that were written to him by children across the world.In order to satisfy old St. Nick and the rest of society, Dundas said that the post office has had to improve its way of doing things because people, including Santa Claus,Jerseys NBA China, want things to be done speedily and reliably.To this effect, he said that Guyana is hoping to adopt some initiatives from its neighbour Brazil in improving the quality of service it provides to the people. He added that two consultants from the Universal Postal Union, which is an umbrella organization for post offices world wide, were recently in Guyana looking at ways in which the service can be improved.Much to the satisfaction of Santa, the consultants have identified some weaknesses and strengths in the postal service. It was found that the service has a strong network in reaching out to the Guyanese people, as pos

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