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作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-26 02:40     標題: Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit 2017 sitting

A wooden and concrete two-storied house at 184 Wisroc Housing scheme, was yesterday afternoon destroyed by fire, leaving a family of seven homeless and with losses they could not readily estimate.Sonyinka Johnson (sitting) is consoled by neighbours.Homeless are Esme Johnson, her two granddaughters Onica Johnson and Shari Waithe, her son Leonard and his wife Soyinka Johnson, and their two children, Jevon. 17. and Jeremiah Johnson, nine years old.Esme Johnson who was in her shop, in front of the house when the fire started, said she could not say what caused the conflagration.The woman who seemed in shock also could not estimate her losses, claiming that it was way too much.“I was in the shop when the fire started. Is a neighbour shout out, “look Leonard house on fire’”.A neighbour by the name of Claudine said that after a neighbour called out that Leonard’s house was on fire, she looked out, and there was thick, thick black smoke.“So everybody run over and see what they could take out of the house. We manage to take out some chairs, a stove,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes, flat screen television, microwave, a table, carpet and so.”Esme Johnson’s daughter-in-law,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, Soyinka Johnson, who lived downstairs with her husband, Leonard,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, and two children, said that she was at work,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, when she got the callWhat’s left of the Johnson’s house.about the fire, and immediately rushed home.She too, could not estimate her losses.Her husband was in Georgetown, while their two children were at school.When this newspaper arrived on the scene, Soyinka was being consoled by neighbours. Nothing was salvaged from her apartment.Neighbours however managed to save a few items from the upper flat which was occupied by her mother-in-Law.The Linden Fire Service which reportedly arrived on the scene more than half an hour after the fire started, came in for strong criticism from residents, who had tried valiantly to extinguish the fire with buckets of water.Even after the fire tender left,Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys, persons were still dousing what was left of the fire with their buckets.Esme Johnson and her granddaughter Onica.
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-26 02:44     標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale nuff money

Old people got two saying. One is that when you do good, you does hold wood; de other one is when you do you does see Gawd.One constable wha did a fine job de other day finally understand de first saying. He holding a piece of wood bigger than Jettoo Sawmill.He is de cop who see people trailing him from de airport and wid his alertness and his thinking cap on,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he set up de capture of two of de gang members that was robbing people from de airport.Dem boys believe that cops like that should be given instant promotion. He ain’t only tek bandits off de streets,China Jerseys Cheap, he tek two guns too.See-all got to be blind not to notice this and mek sure that this guy get an instant promotion.Dem boys know that See-all new boss got a li’l problem wid he eye,Stitched Cheap Jerseys, so dem gun forgive him for not seeing too well but dem can’t forgive See-all fuh not seeing that.Another set of cops also holding wood from Toolsie Lumber yard. Dem cops arrest three brothers and looking fuh a fourth fuh carjackings.? Dem also arrest one of de brother wife. That is five from one house.Dem boys seh that family got to be related to ex President Bharrat Jagdeo and Winston Brassington.Dem seh when a whole family can thief like that dem got to born wid certain qualities. Jagdeo and Brassington born wid dem qualities.People want to know wha de parents of dem four brothers was thinking when dem was mekking dem. Dem was either thinking about nuff,Cheap NFL Jerseys USA, nuff money, Brassington or Jagdeo.Is not See-all not seeing. Dem got a new kid on de block name Leonard Shadick. He not seeing too,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China, because election gun come again and nothing will be done to legalise and give de righted people radio licence.And this is one of de promise Soulja Bai from APNU and Rum Jattan from Hay Heff See mek to regularize it right away.It look like if he Leonard Shadick move in wid Bibi Shadick because that is how she use to operate. It look like dem cooking and eating from one pot and doing nutten else whole day.Talk half wait to see when Leonard Shadick gone act on dem illegally issued radio licence.
作者: hunikieSuv    時間: 2017-10-27 18:29     標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic Yannason Duncan

Farmers cultivating rice on the northern half of the Essequibo Coast would now be able to access water from the main canal to commence the process of the irrigation of their farmlands. Waters are released from the main conservancy at Tapakuma.The process was facilitated by the Region Two Administration which released ten barrels of fuel to orchestrate the operation of the “ DAWA” pump station,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, which is also known as the Tapakuma Irrigation project, on Wednesday.Nandranie Coonjah, Region Two Vice Chairman,China Stitched NFL Jerseys, was on spot yesterday to witness the release of water which was pumped from the “ DAWA” facility into the main canal. He said that currently some 16,NFL Jerseys 2018,000 thousand acres of rice lands are presently under cultivation, and those farmers who were waiting on waters to irrigate their lands? would be somewhat relieved now that much needed waters would be in their capacity to access.Coonjah added that on a daily basis rice farmers visit her office, and make repeated requests for water to irrigate their farmlands since they are experiencing a dry spell. The process would allow farmers on the North to access waters for two weeks.Galton Fredricks,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys China, one of the operators attached to the “DAWA” pump station,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, said that waters are only released from the pumping facility once farmers make those requests. Fredricks said that pumping water from the facility began since Monday.? (Yannason Duncan)
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-28 03:21     標題: China Jerseys 50

By Brushell BlackmanGuyana and Venezuela at last signed the long-awaited rice deal that was first initiated by President Bharrat Jagdeo who held talks with Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez at a United Nations Climate Change meeting in New York last month.The President’s intervention was necessitated after the rice industry was experiencing difficult times. Farmers were complaining that they were receiving too low a price for paddy from most exporters.The deal which was signed late last night at the Ministry of Agriculture Boardroom will see the South American country sourcing from Guyana,Jerseys From China, 50,Wholesale Jerseys Authenitc,000 tonnes of rice- of which 10,000 tonnes would be white rice and 40,Cheap Jerseys,000 tonnes of paddy at $330US and $560US per metric tonne respectively.The deal between the two countries will see Guyana earning US$18.8 million when the last set of rice is exported to Venezuela next year February.According to Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud,Wholesale China Jerseys, the Venezuelans will return in five days’ time to do some additional phytosanitary and other inspections and hopefully the first shipment should leave for the Spanish-speaking country as early as the first week in November.Speaking on behalf of a Venezuelan delegation that arrived yesterday afternoon, Venezuelan Ambassador to Guyana, Dario Morandy, through an interpreter, said that he is happy to enter into the agreement with Guyana and hopes that their relationship grows from strength to strength.The Venezuelan delegation flew in on a private jet yesterday and was locked in negotiations with Guyana’s rice officials until the deal last night. The visit came after General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Jagnarine Singh and General Secretary of the Guyana Rice Producers Association (GRPA), Dharamkumar Seeraj, visited Venezuela to fast track the deal.Minister Persaud said that the deal came a bit late but he is nevertheless happy since it will ensure better prices for the struggling rice industry. The Minister is hopeful that the deal, albeit temporary,nfl jerseys authentic cheap, will see better prices being passed down to the farmers.Persaud believes that the deal is an excellent one as compared to the prices usually offered by Guyana’s regular buyers in Europe and other areas. The inking of the deal has been in the making for some time now, but the Venezuelans had promised to visit on a few occasions to inspect standards and conditions before they went ahead.The deal is the first between the two countries and according to Persaud the Venezuelans have expressed an interest in doing business in other Agricultural areas and they will be exploring the possibilities of entering into a permanent rice export deal with Guyana.Farmers have increased their protests for better prices over the past weeks after they were receiving unfavourable prices for their paddy.Millers were offering as low as $2000 per bag of paddy, which they said meant that they were not even recovering the production cost, let a lone making a profit.Last year paddy prices touched a record $6000 per bag of paddy as shortages hit the world market.The Minister of Agriculture and President Bharrat Jagdeo had announced an intervention of $400M into the industry to mitigate the problems and consultations are currently ongoing to see how this money will be spent.Recently, Persaud explained that the money would be forthcoming shortly since it can be approved by way of a supplemental budget or be taken from the consolidated fund. He explained that the consultations which were needed to decide how the money will be spent is almost complete and farmers and exporters are to soon benefit form that assistance.Coupled with this deal with Venezuela the rice industry seems to be on the road to recovery as international prices are also increasing. Attending the signing of the historic deal were officials from the agriculture sector, the National Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.The deal was signed by GRDB General Manager, Jagnarine Singh, and Venezuelan Ambassador Dario Morandy.
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-30 21:32     標題: Cheap China Jerseys lavishly

A day of sporting and reckless maneuverings resulted in a fatal road accident on the Alness Public Road, Sunday night around 22:00hrs. Two men are now dead while two others are listed as critical in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Dead are Davanand Seosankar, of Anchor, Port Mourant and Affie Jafar Ramaya,cheap authentic jerseys, 24, of Miss Phoebe, Port Mourant. Kaieteur News understands that Ramaya,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the driver of the car, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Hospital, while Seosankar succumbed yesterday afternoon at the GPHC.The other two men who are now fighting for their lives are taxi driver, Taresh Nandalall,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, 26, of Ulverston Village, Corentyne Berbice and another man known as ‘Cow’, a barber of Tain.According to reports, “The men were having a nice time.” They were seen consuming alcohol,China NBA Jerseys, lavishly,Soccer Jerseys From China, at various sporting spots during Sunday on the Corentyne.Kaieteur News was told that just before 22:00hrs, Ramaya travelling east along the northern side of the road to the Upper Corentyne, drove his white wagon car in a reckless manner and hit a donkey before slamming into a truck which was parked on the opposite side of the road.According to reports the animal was hit so hard that it “burst into pieces”. After hitting the animal and having it land on the roof of the car, the driver lost control and slammed into the parked truck “shifting it”.The men were rushed to the Port Mourant Hospital before being transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital and later to the GPHC.Yesterday as Nandalall was being prepared for surgery, his family members were unable to maintain their composure. They wept uncontrollably outside the Accident and Emergency Unit of GPHC.
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-31 02:34     標題: China Jerseys Cheap Ben Mkapa

Sir Shridath Ramphal(Sir Shridath has held the positions of Commonwealth Secretary-General, Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Chairman of the West Indian Commission and Chief Negotiator in the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery) As ‘West Indians’, as ‘Caribbean people’, we face a basic contradiction of oneness and otherness,Supply NFL Jerseys Factory, a basic paradox of kinship and alienation. Much of our history is the interplay of these contrarieties. But they are not of equal weight. The very notion of being West Indian speaks of identity, of oneness.That identity is the product of centuries of living together and is itself a triumph over the divisive geography of an archipelago which speaks to otherness. Today, CARICOM and all it connotes, is the hallmark of that triumph, and it is well to remember the processes which forged it – lest we forget, and lose it.Throughout history our geo-political region has known that it is a kinship in and around an enclosing Sea. But, through most of that time it suited local elites – from white planters, through successor merchant groups, to establishment colonials – to keep the Sea as a convenient boundary against encroachment on their ‘local control’. Political aspirants in our region jostled for their Governor’s ear,cheap jerseys cc, not each other’s arm.Times changed in the 1920s and 1930s – between the ‘world wars’. The external economic and political environments changed; and the internal environments changed – social, political and most of all demographic.Local control began to pass to the hands of local creoles, mainly professionals, later trade unionists, and for a while the new political class saw value in a strategy of regional unity. Maryshaw’s slogan ‘the West Indies must be West Indian’ carried at the masthead of his crusading newspaper was evocative.For two generations, West Indian ‘unity’ was a progressive political credo.It was a strategy that was to reach its apogee in the Federation of The West Indies: due to become Independent in mid-1962.It is often forgotten that the ‘the’ in the name of the new nation was consciously spelt with a capital ‘T’ – The West Indies – an insistence on the oneness of the federated region.But, by then, that was verbal insistence against a contrary reality, already re-emerging. The new political elites for whom ‘unity’ offered a pathway to political power through ‘independence’ had found by the 1960s that that pathway was opening up regardless.Regional unity was no longer a pre-condition to ‘local control’. Hence, the referendum in Jamaica; and Trinidad’s arithmetic that ‘1’ from ‘10’ left ‘0’; even ‘the agony of the eight’.The century old impulse for ‘local control’ had prevailed, and the separatist instincts of a dividing sea had resumed ascendancy.But,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, as in the 1920s and 1930s, so in the sixties and seventies – the environment changed against separatism. Independence on a separate basis had secured ‘local control’; but the old nemesis of colonialism was replaced by the new suzerainty of globalization. Independence, particularly for Caribbean micro states, was not enough to deliver Elysium. ‘Unity’ no sooner discarded was back in vogue; but less a matter of the heart than of the head.In an interdependent world which in the name of liberalization made no distinctions between rich and poor, big and small, regional unity was compulsive. Caribbean states needed each other for survival; ‘unity’ was the only protective kit they could afford.Only three years after the rending ‘referendum’ came the first tentative steps to ‘unity’ in 1965 with CARIFTA; ‘tentative’, because the old obsession with ‘local control’ continued to trump oneness – certainly in Cabinet Rooms; but in drawing rooms too; though less so at street corners.Despite the new external compulsions the pursuit of even economic unity, which publics largely accepted, has been a passage of attrition. It has taken us from 1965 to 2010 — 45 years – to crawl through CARIFTA and CARICOM, through the fractured promises of Chaguaramas and Grand Anse, and through innumerable Declarations and Affirmations and Commitments.Not surprisingly, we have reached a moment of widespread public disbelief that our professed goal of a ‘Single Market and Economy’ will ever be attained.In the acknowledged quest for survival, the old urge for ‘local control’ has not matured to provide real space for the ‘unity’ we say we need. Like 19th century colonists we still struggle to keep our rocks in our pockets – despite the enhanced logic of pooling our resources and the enlarged danger of ‘state capture’ by unelected groups and external forces if we do not.In the 21st century,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, despite all we know in our

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