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作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-30 23:16     標題: Adam Shaheen Jersey the man

…wife, father say shooting unjustifiedA worried Odessa Rose,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Carlyle Benn’s reputed wife at the Georgetown Public Hospital yesterday. A man’s refusal to accompany the police to the station for questioning resulted in him being shot. Carlyle Benn, 28, of Section ‘O’ Wismar was shot once in his back yesterday morning by police.According to the man’s fianc?e, Odessa Rose, he was with her when the police visited their home and requested that he accompany them to the Wismar Police Station.She said that Benn, who is the father of her three children, refused to go. She said that this prompted the police officers to force him to make the trip to the station.“When they going now fuh carry he, he run.” It was then that the police discharged a round in Benn’s direction hitting him in the back just as he was about to escape over a fence.The woman said that the police left the injured man and went away.“Is he father that carry he to the station after which he was taken to the Linden Hospital Complex.”Benn’s father, Gordon Forde,Adam Shaheen Jersey, said that the police were looking for his son for questioning in relation to a robbery that occurred a few weeks ago at Amelia’s Ward.“I was awakened by my daughter-in-law, who lives in the front house, and when I opened the backdoor, there was a policeman with a long gun,” Forde said.According to Forde, the rank told him that he was there to question his son in connection with the robbery.He further stated that his son Carlyle who attempted to run after the police arrived, was shot in the lower back.Forde said that the police fired five shots indiscriminately, which could have hit anyone,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, however, only one hit his son in the back.Those sentiments were reiterated by Benn’s niece, who was quite vocal in her condemnation of the attitude of the ranks.He was then transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.At the city hospital,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the man, in obvious pain, was made to wait on a stretcher in the holding area of the Accident and Emergency Unit before he was treated.Recounting the events, Odessa Rose said that the police visited their home yesterday around 07:00 hrs to take Benn to identify persons that were in custody for an earlier robbery in another part of Linden.She said that Benn’s refusal stemmed from him being frequently arrested by the police.The man who is no stranger to the law was remanded last year for three months for robbery.The mother of three was adamant that her husband does not know the men that the police wanted to question him about.“He was at home,NFL Jerseys Cheap From China, how he gun know who rob where?”? According to Rose, apart from selling periodically at the Bourda Market he performs odd jobs as a handyman around Linden.Up to late yesterday afternoon Benn was still in the Emergency Unit.
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-31 01:03     標題: China Jerseys Online under this programme

The Commonwealth Secretariat is seeking to expand its Endowment Fund to facilitate the continuation of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Programme (CSFP).This was announced by Secretary General, Kamalesh Sharma,Wholesale MLB Jerseys China, during a recent interview with this newspaper.Several Guyanese have benefited from the CSFP, which is offered to persons in several areas of study, relevant to the development of their respective member states.The Commonwealth is now celebrating the 50th anniversary of the CSFP,Wholesale Jerseys, which according to Secretary General Sharma,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, has facilitated more than 30,000 scholarships.To continue the programme, an endowment fund was launched and is headed by the Prince of Wales.“We want to expand it both in cash,Wholesale China Jerseys, we’re asking for contributions, as well as in kind. We offer Scholarships, Fellowship, Internships, whatever, under this programme, so it becomes richer. So this is a huge contribution the Commonwealth has made,” Secretary General Sharma said. He explained that apart from the scholarships, the Commonwealth has at its disposal experts from member states, which enables the secretariat to facilitate technical assistance.This assistance he pointed out is a demand-driven response.Sharma noted that many of the member states of the Commonwealth are not getting on well economically and therefore their capacity to provide technical assistance is increasing.“One of our ambitions is to tie in the training programme, and the economics and fellowships these countries contain is increasing for fellow Commonwealth members, consciously, because they have this capacity,” Sharma said.He noted that one of the great features of the Commonwealth is that it contains all kinds of countries in it.“The Commonwealth has within its fold, emerging economies, members of the G-7, OECT members,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, so that any Scholarship Programme it is involved in is very balanced and everyone sees the wisdom in designing it in that way.”
作者: hunikieSuv    時間: 2017-10-31 11:34     標題: Wholesale Jerseys China from 15

– Carib Soca Monarch among highlightsAnsa McAl Trading Limited will be pulling out all the stops for Mashramani celebrations as they host and sponsor events under their flagship brands Carib, Stag and Smalta.This,NCAA Baseball Jerseys, it is hoped, will ensure that quality entertainment is provided for all domestic and international tourists who want to sample a true “Guyanese party.”Starting last night “Operation Stress Release” sponsored by Stag Beer was staged on the tarmac of the University of Guyana Campus. The Mash fever vibes are on at the Carib Mash Camp, located at the corner of Robb and Camp Streets in Georgetown, from 15:00hrs today, as Mega Soca artiste Machel Montano is scheduled to visit the camp to meet and greet visitors. Some might even take home free tickets to the star’s Mash night concert.During the evening, patrons will get to sample a little of Carib’s grand plans for Mashramani while being entertained by Slingerz Sound System, among other attractions.Carib Public Relations Officer, Darshanie Yussuf,Cheap Jerseys, said that “a few lucky persons will receive free tickets to the Carib Soca Monarch and the Mash Night Concert which Machel Montano will be headlining.Other persons will receive free costumes to Mash in the Carib Band on Mashramani day along with other great prizes”.Today, too, Smalta will ensure that the children of South Ruimveldt Park Primary take to the streets participating in the Children’s Mashramani competition as they celebrate Guyana’s 40th Republic anniversary.This is the first year that South Ruimveldt Park Primary is participating in Mashramani and they are coming with a band of 40 children and 15 teachers. That school has already won several top prizes in the national schools’ competition.The National Mash Chutney Competition is on at Canje, Berbice, and will see 18 finalists competing for the Chutney crown tonight.? These artistes will be accompanied by Caribbean Hot Shots Band while overseas-based Guyanese Terry Gajraj and Trinidadian Ricky Jai are expected to perform as guest artistes.The grand Carib Soca Monarch tonight at the National Park is geared to ensure that the bar is raised higher for Soca music in Guyana, with 10 impressive finalists providing the entertainment while vying for the coveted crown.Ending off the packed weekend tomorrow,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, persons who want to relax after the grand celebration and prepare for fun on the streets on Mash Day can head down to the Aziza Akoza resort to enjoy a “Creek Jam” put on by Carib.Persons are urged to come out and support these events which are sure to provide a unique experience as we gear to celebrate Mashramani 2010,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, the highlight of Guyana’s Republican status, under the theme ‘Embracing our Diversity,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Celebrating our Heritage.’
作者: hunikieSuv    時間: 2017-10-31 12:58     標題: Cheap Jerseys China Donald Ramotar

Opposition Leader,Cheap NFL Jerseys, David Granger,Cheap Basketball Jerseys China, strongly suggested yesterday that Head of State, Donald Ramotar,President Donald Ramotarmake as one of his New Year’s resolutions, issuing forthwith, an apology to an Amerindian man he scolded in a manner that constitutes abuse, disrespect and vulgarity for indigenous people.The President recently exposed the violent nature of former President Bharrat Jagdeo when an Amerindian man questioned the former President’s record in office. President Ramotar was at the time, addressing a political rally in Aishalton and used the forum to lambaste the political opposition.“They don’t have a record to be proud of; they don’t have a history that they can be proud of. That is why they don’t like history and they don’t like to hear about the past.”The man retorted, “Yea, yea, like Jagdeo.”“You don’t know anything about Jagdeo; if he been hay he mighta slap yo, coz you stupid,” the President is heard saying on an audio recording released to the media by a villager.The President’s visit to that community is among several visits Ramotar has been making around the country ahead of General Elections next year.The Opposition Leader said that it is most astonishing that such statements came from the President and Commander in Chief. If those words really are his, Granger said, certainly it is inappropriate and vulgar for those words to beOpposition Leader, David Grangeruttered in public places and to an indigenous citizen of the hinterland region.The Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) asserted that the disturbing part of the audio is Ramotar’s reference to former President Bharrat Jagdeo and his vicious nature.At a personal level, Granger said that he too was a victim of Jagdeo’s abuse in 2011 when he was accused of having blood on his hands.“I think many Guyanese have learnt that Jagdeo can be abusive when he is ready and what Ramotar is now saying indicates that not only is Jagdeo’s temper well known but it is actually an aspect of his presidential style and policy to speak and behave in that manner.“It is expected that the President would issue an unconditional apology to Mr. John Adams,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, a teacher from the Hinterland Region who was assaulted by the Presidential Guards at that meeting and even the indigenous community in general,” the Opposition Leader remarked.He said that the incident has done a lot of damage to the reputation of the Head of State and now that it is known in some quarters of the regional and international communities, it has stained the image of the country. Granger asserted that it is an occurrence which is painful to the indigenous community.“I doubt whether Ramotar would have used similar language in any other community in Guyana. Neither the private sector nor the religious community would have expected those words from the President. His words indicate the sort of disparaging or disdainful attitude he has towards the indigenous people and I am sure to any other community he would have apologized immediately.“It should not take him a month to do so now. It’s a New Year; he should start on a new note, with the expectations of improving relations between him and the people of Guyana. I am deeply concerned about this matter…”The APNU leader said that the President needs to conduct his elections campaign in a more respectful manner. He hopes that future interactions would be one of respect rather than abuse.“His statements constitute disrespect and abuse and he did so because he felt he was speaking to Amerindians. He wouldn’t speak like that in Port Mourant,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” Granger concluded. Port Mourant is a village in East Berbice-Corentyne, where the People’s Progressive Party is said to have a strong influence.The trips to the indigenous communities by the President are not announced to the media, and on that particular trip to Aishalton,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Ramotar was not accompanied by his usual entourage of information officers or the videographers attached to his office.However, the Press and Publicity Unit of the Office of the President sprung quickly to Ramotar’s defence after the release of the Jagdeo slapping comment. It said that it was making efforts to authenticate the integrity of the recording.The statement which was recently released to the media added that with General Elections looming, such attempts at sensationalism does not come as a surprise.
作者: yueyrt1Hft    時間: 2017-10-31 13:05     標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys but they stayed calm.“Look

“I think the devil was busy that day” – says other inmateBy Romila BoodramStanding before an extremely quiet gathering, two inmates yesterday presented their testimonies to theErrol KesneyCommission of Inquiry (COI) into the Camp Street Prison riot which claimed the lives of 17 prisoners last week Thursday.Dressed in yellow t-shirts and black pants with matching rubber slippers, the men, both of whom are accused of murder, stood before the Commissioners and related their versions of what transpired on that day.Taking the stand first was Capital A Block inmate, Dwayne Lewis, who has been in the facility for the past eight months.While under oath, the prisoner told the commissioners that he was packing his “things” to exit the division when the prison wardens locked the door from the outside. The fire later started in the centre of the division.He could not say how the fire started but claimed that it escalated when tear gas was thrown into the room from the outside.“When the fire started, the prisoners start breaking the wall from Division A to go to Division B.”Lewis recounted that as the prisoners were trying to break the wall to escape; six cans of tear gas were thrown into the building. “It started to burn our eyes and skin. We run to a small ventilated area and started calling for help.”He said that as they were screaming for help, they got no response from the authorities. “The fire started to get bigger and bigger and took over the whole cell, causing some of the inmates to be badly burn up.”Lewis said that he ran to the front entrance and continued calling out for help.“I saw the hole in the wall with fire blazing around it and I made my escape through it. I came out throughDwayne Lewis gives his testimonyCapital B Division and I walk down the step and I was escorted to the hospital.”He said that while crawling through the hole, he was burnt on his abdomen. The witness stated that up until his escape, the prison administration made no attempt to put out the fire.Lewis told the Commissioners that before the fire started, there was an order for the prisoners to come out of the division for a search to be conducted. He said that when the first set of prisoners followed the wardens’ order, they were harassed and beaten with a baton, forcing the others to stay in the division.Lewis said that when the prisoners refused to leave the division out of fear of being harassed, the door was locked by the wardens. He said that is when the fire started and it got bigger when the tear gas was thrown into the building.He maintained that he had no idea how the fire started, since he was asleep.Recalling the origin of the unrest,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Lewis said that on March 2nd, last, there was a search at the Division and items were confiscated.“During the search, we pick up our belongings and they (wardens) went in and come out with two buckets with phones, leaves,NFL Jerseys 2018, seeds and stems suspected to be marijuana,” Lewis explained.He said that when the prisoners returned to the Division, some of them who lost items were in a grievous state but did not protest or create any issues.Asked why the prisoners needed marijuana, Lewis responded, “They have to get it to be calm and comfortable so that it won’t have riots.” He said that the prisoners “need demChairman Justice James Patterson (centre) and Commissioner Mrs. Merle Mendonca (right) make notes as Commissioner Mr. Dale Erskine looks over at the witness stand during yesterday’s proceedings.things to smoke” to keep them in order.When questioned if the prison wardens found anything like liquor,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Lewis said that the prisoners make their own local alcohol.He did admit that some prisoners were annoyed, but they stayed calm.“Look, if dem find 10 phones, they could at least keep six and leave four.”According to Lewis, none of the confiscated items belonged to him. He did admit to the commissioners that he smokes in prison.Errol Kesney was the second witness to take the stand and deliver his testimony which was somewhat similar to that of Lewis.Asked what transpired on that day, Kesney said, “I think the devil was busy that day.”He said that when they were ordered to leave the building,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, he was packing his bag and when he was ready to leave, the door was already locked.“I see some man start breaking the hole to jump out and crawl through, but when we see Mr. Samuels in Capital B, we jump over back.” He said that it was at this point that he saw the fire in Capital A which later escalated with the tear gas.“I run at the back. (Now dead inmate Rayon) Paddy say is gas they throwing and he tell us to stay low and wet we jersey,” Kesney explained. He added that at this po

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