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作者: hunikieSuv    時間: 2017-11-6 10:38     標題: Cheap Jerseys Paypal however

Several opposition members are of the opinion that Guyana is experiencing unprecedented abuse of Executive power,AFC Chairman,Nigel Hughesand that there is critical need to alter the boundless authority afforded the Head of State.On a recently televised Alliance For Change (AFC) Programme, featuring Leader of the party, Khemraj Ramjattan, Chairman Nigel Hughes and House Speaker Raphael Trotman, sought to share this perspective.Hughes outlined that one of the important things the Constitution speaks to is the distribution of power and how it should be exercised. Referring to Article 51, the attorney-at-law said that supreme democratic power should be vested in three organs; the Presidency, Parliament and Cabinet.He emphasised that a worrying problem exists in that equation.“What you have is the President being a part of the parliament and then when you go to Cabinet, you have him there, where he has supreme executive power. So in effect, he has power of all three organs of the state.“He dominates them, and this is long before we come to discuss his immunities from suit, which means that in the exercise of his executive power, he is not answerable to the court or anyone and can only be removed by grave misconduct, ill-health or loss of confidence in him by the House.”Hughes, a practicing Attorney, said that the current structure of the Constitution gives the President absolute power to govern, and that the AFC has advocated for this to be addressed with urgency, for power, he opined, must be distributed evenly.The other difficulty with the Constitution and the powers vested in the President Hughes said, is how one becomes president due to the party list system.“Let’s say you have three political parties in a race. One gets 33 percent of the votes, the other 32 and the last 31 for argument sake. The party with the 33 percent gets to be President with full executive power. In essence you are giving this person or party, which doesn’t represent a plurality, the presidency, and it puts the nation particularly at a disadvantage, because you have people from different cultural backgrounds not being represented when the 32 andDr. Rupert Roopnaraine31 percentages are combined.“If you continue this, then you perpetuate a system where others are excluded and they will have no representation in the executive and the executive is where the decisions are really made, that is where policies are made and carried out.”House Speaker Raphael Trotman reflected that from 1999 to 2001, the nation went through a period of constitutional reform.“We failed to really grapple it and deal with the issue of power distribution. Most right-thinking Guyanese believe that the Constitution should be scrapped completely and have a new document, because it needs serious overhauling. Instead,Jerseys NFL Cheap, we tinkered mostly with it and we are reaping some of the burdens of failing to really face what the problems really were.”Trotman said that from his understanding, some experts and even ordinary citizens believe that the nation might be better off with the pre-1966-69 Constitution, where Parliamentarians were elected by constituents rather than the party list system, which he abhors.He said that in those days when there was a Governor-General, that person was seen as the “father of the nation” and not a politician.The House Speaker said that such a person “did not get involved in cussing down at Babu John or Cuffy Square, but rather, (he would be) the person who would intervene and ensure that the forces were not used as a tool of oppression”.Trotman said that ultimately there is need for politicians to hear from the people and that the electorate should vote in a referendum. He believes that the citizens need a chance in this process to express their views and decide what’s in their best interest.Asked to share his views on the points expressed by the two AFC politicians, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’sCarl GreenidgeShadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge said that while he agreed with Hughes’ point, he did not perceive it to be lethal.Greenidge emphasised that if there are appropriate checks and balances, the legislature could provide safeguards against a minority Government implementing controversial,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, discriminatory or self-serving policies.The former finance minister believes that the bigger problem has to do with the safeguards being undermined by the Presidency.He said that the supremacy of the President on the Executive front is not unusual, although elsewhere, the acceptability of that supremacy rests on due process in the appointment of heads of Executive agencies and the use and independence of Constitutional Bodies such as the Judicial Appellate Tribunal and the Public Service Commission.Greenidge said that in Guyana, the independence of these bodies has been destroyed with the appointment o

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