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作者: Fpblbt17    時間: 2018-3-19 08:39     標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys too

Says- “The nation knows exactly who bruck up GuySuCo and it was not Booker Tate or this Government.”By: Kiana Wilburg The blame game has been in effect this week regarding the deteriorating state of the Skeldon factory andMinister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotmanthe sugar industry by extension.Specifically, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo told the media that the only two culprits to be held responsible for the current state of Skeldon and the industry would be Booker Tate and the current management of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).Joining him in casting the blame on anything but the PPP was former President Donald Ramotar. The PPP Executive member believes that the current government is out to sabotage the US$200M factory. He said, too, that the factory was never handed over to the Government in that state.After noting the comments made by the two politicians, Minister of Natural Resources,Authentic Jerseys China, Raphael Trotman, made it clear yesterday that it is the PPP administration that is responsible for the prevailing conditions within the sugar industry as well as the appalling state of the Skeldon Estate.The Natural Resources Minister stated, “Like some bad workers,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, you blame your tools when you don’t get your way. But it is your methodology,Cheap Jerseys Online, your penchant for entering into the affairs of the company, for putting persons who have no business being around there that has led to the destruction.”Trotman continued, “The decision to have a US$200M factory that never generated one kilowatt of energy as promised and has bad machinery… I mean you just can’t blame Booker Tate for that lawlessness.”The politician said that he also agrees with recent sentiments expressed by GuySuCo’s Chairman, Dr. Clive Thomas,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, that Jagdeo and Ramotar are trying to “kerfuffle the nation.”He said, “The nation knows exactly who bruck up GuySuCo and it was not Booker Tate or this Government.”Asked to say whether Government is engaging Booker Tate in discussions regarding the sugar sector,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, Trotman answered in the negative.He said, “No decision has been taken to engage Booker Tate. It is a world renowned administrator in the industry. I am sure they had successes and setbacks but I am sure more of the former than the latter.”He concluded however that the state of affairs within the sector is the direct result of bad decisions by the former administration.Trotman said, “I would not accept what is a smoke and mirror exercise.”Additionally,NFL Cheap Jerseys, top officials within the Guyana Sugar Corporation have maintained their position that the appalling state of the multibillion-dollar Skeldon Sugar Factory and the overall poor performance of the sugar industry, are just two of the highlights of PPP’s disgraceful track record in governing and managing key sectors.“No one but the PPP is completely responsible for the state of the Skeldon Factory and that of the sugar industry. And trying to convince the nation that it is this government’s fault is perhaps the most dishonourable and distasteful excuse they could try to put together.“ In the eyes of the nation, both Ramotar and Jagdeo emerge looking extremely desperate and clutching at anything possible to save face, even if that means clutching to untruths. This is the Opposition doing what they do best, trying to hoodwink the nation,” expressed the economist.Also in support of Dr. Thomas’ position was head of GuySuCo’s Diversification Unit, Tony Vieira.Vieira stated that the US$200m Skeldon Factory cannot depreciate to such an extent in 17 months.He said, “Just imagine, it is the youngest of all the factories, and factories that are 17 and 18 years older are in far better condition. How can such a young factory be in such a horrifying condition in less than eight years?”

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