標題: Cheap Jerseys Online tomorrow

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2454
用戶失蹤天數 2131
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-5-13 02:17
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(By Mondale Smith)The Ministry of Culture is encouraging all to come out and enjoy some sweet steel pan music a the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, tomorrow, as the Republic Bank-sponsored National Mashramani Steel pan competition is staged for an over all purse of $2.3M in cash prizes.Andrew Tyndall, the event convenor, said that the show is part of the national programme but persons looking for a uniquely entertaining evening flavoured with sweet quality pan should ensure that they get to the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall early as the nation’s pan players take on each other competitively.On that occasion ten bands are expected to compete in five categories that feature school bands and small bands. There are three minor categories such as junior and senior Soloists and duets.The bands include the Guyana Police Force,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Parkside, and Pan Groove Steel orchestras. In addition, there will be heated competition from the North Ruimveldt Multilateral School, The Bishops High and Dolphin Secondary school bands as well as the roots and culture steel band,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Outreach Ministries and Lady Fatima steel bands.In the minor categories, Colgrain Whyte, will be the man to beat in the senior solo category as he has never lost that title for seven consecutive years.? Three years ago, he took a break from the competition but will be returning this year.Predicted to be the hottest,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the junior category is in its second year and will feature six contestants including Akeem Pompey who is the reigning champion going up against five competitors namely Akeem Mohammed, Michael Smith Junior,Wholesale Jerseys, Amanda Noel the lone female in the category, Takuma Bailey and Desmond Long.The senior category players include Jvanka Williams who will be debuting as the first female at that level in recent times and she will be coming up against players such as Clayton Daniels and Ray Sparman.Sunday’s duet category will offer a level playing field given that it was not part of the competition for about six years. The hot contenders’ pair is Colgrain Whyte and Troy Hunte up against pairs of Akeem and Romario Mohamed, Ryana Lewis and Clayton Daniels as well as Michael Smith Junior and Amada Noel.Guyana’s steel pan competition has its origin dating back to the 1960’s but there was a break for the period 2007 and 2008 as the art form according to some was headed for extinction.However,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Andrew Tyndall is the programme manager for the Ministry’s Music development unit and he told this publication that through the Culture Ministry’s intervention a plan was hatched to resuscitate the art form in 2008.This led to the development of a national steel orchestra that played for Carifesta and subsequently the Ministry launched a school development programme through which instructors are availed to teach at school where there were instruments but no teachers. He said, “the programme has taken off well and has seen the launch of a national school steel orchestra through collaboration with Ministries of Education and Culture on December 4, 2009.”Tyndall said, too, “it’s this kind of developmental work that has helped us to re-launch the competition.”While there is not a large increase in bands,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the members of the bands have dramatically increased in some cases from seven to twenty.


帖子 2516
註冊 2017-5-23
用戶註冊天數 2567
用戶失蹤天數 1817
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-5-13 03:00

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帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2441
用戶失蹤天數 1917
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-5-13 03:19
Greater yields from the same amount of material and a cleaner mining alternative are just a few of the possibilities for Guyanese gold miners. These claims were made during a demonstration facilitated by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and they surrounded a piece of equipment called the Knelson Concentrator.The concentrator is designed to make the extraction of gold far more efficient than the sluicing/gravity methods currently employed. Miners usually create a ‘slurry’ by mixing the excavated soil and water.The Knelson Concentrator in actionWater is then passed over the mixture and the lighter particles are carried away by the current leaving behind the heavier particles, including the gold. The remaining materials are then panned to separate out the gold from the black sand and other heavy particles.The only drawback is that very small particles of gold and gold dust as well as mercury are usually lost in the process since they are not captured in the riffles that line the bottom of the sluice boxes.Knelson Concentrators offer a solution for this dilemma. Instead of using the force of gravity to separate out the particles the concentrator uses centrifugal force to do so. The centrifuges at the centre of these machines subject the material to a force 60 times that of gravity through a specially crafted cone.The end result is that a large percentage of the finer gold particulates collect inside the cone – particulates that fall below the usual 3mm threshold and that would have been lost via traditional methods of processing.The first sample that went through the laboratory model of the extractor came from the tailings of a mining site. Tailings are the leftover materials after a batch has been thoroughly processed to remove “all the gold”.Karen Livan,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Manager of the Environmental Division of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission,Wholesale Jerseys, noted that aside from demonstrating higher levels of recovery and a cleaner recovery at that,Stitched NFL Jerseys, the effort was also in keeping with the GGMC work programme for 2011.The thrust of the work programme she explained was the introduction of cleaner initiatives across the industry as adherence to the Low Carbon Development Strategy assumes importance in the sector.She promised that it would be the first of many such initiatives by the GGMC to connect miners with the technology and products that will meet those ends and still be affordable by industry standards in what are difficult economic times for everyone.Kevin Peacocke,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Managing Director of Appropriate Process Technologies, the company that is bringing the Knelson brand to Guyana through its local agents Crown Mining, conducted the demonstration. He was assisted by Claudia Lopez, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.Peacocke said that they have travelled to the interior and conducted trials at Omai, Mahdia and in the NorthWest District.He noted that they were initially met with skepticism but after the demonstrations miners were very receptive. Peacocke also spoke about the unit’s ability to act as a Mercury Recovery Unit.The use of Mercury in gold mining has been an integral part of the industry for many years and over time the toxic element has seeped into the soil at many locations mined for gold. The Knelson Concentrators also allow for the separation of mercury-gold amalgams (which can later be separated by a process called burning) as well as liquid mercury.Therefore, they are in essence an integral part of the cleaning up or reclamation process for mined lands, especially when they are used on the discarded tailings of many of these locations. The fact that the separation process is mechanical also means that it will not in its own turn leave behind any harmful residual material.Peacocke also posited from his foray into the hinterland that the optimal size of field unit for many dredges would be one that can process on the average 20 tons an hour of material.Managing Director of Crown Mining Supplies,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, Mahendra Persaud,Cheap NFL Jerseys, stated that such a unit would probably cost a miner in the area of US$100,000 however with the increased recovery rate a sizeable dredging operation would actually be able to recoup the amount in six months to a year.


帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2454
用戶失蹤天數 2131
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-5-13 06:37
After five days of eyes screening for glaucoma, ophthalmologists at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) were able to attend to approximately 280 individuals.Vision testing at GPHC during Glaucoma WeekThe screening activity was conducted between March 7 and March 11, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and represented part of the observance of World Glaucoma Week 2016 which was understandably held under the straightforward theme “Check your eyes for glaucoma.”Screening was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and the Guyana Vision 2020 Committee.? Staff ophthalmologists, doctors, nurses and optometrists were involved in vision testing,NFL Jerseys China, eye pressure testing and examination of the eye nerve of the patients.The activity over the past week went smoothly and patients were able to access the free service in a timely manner. It was moreover deemed a success.In addition to screening, another major feature of the week was the launch of a glaucoma poster last week Monday at the Eye Clinic. This event was attended by Public Health Minister,China Jerseys, Dr George Norton.? This was done with the support of Ansa McAl Group of Companies.The aim of the poster is to aid in public awareness about the disease and to encourage persons at risk to undergo screening. The poster will be placed at various locations across the country. During the past week,Cheap NFL Jerseys, too, ophthalmologists from the hospital also appeared on radio programmes to promote education and awareness about glaucoma.Additionally, volunteers from Optique Vision Care and Guyana Eye Care Programme were involved in screening exercises while Optometry students of the University of Guyana spearheaded an education programme on campus.Members of the Guyana Association of Optometrist were also involved in free screening at their offices. The hospital also received a donation, during the week,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, of a computer desktop system from Guyana Eye Care Programme and a printer from Digicom. These will be used in the eye clinic registration process.Eye nerve test being doneA statement issued yesterday said, “The hospital wishes to thank everyone who was involved in the commemoration of World Glaucoma week.”Among Guyanese patients, Open Angle Glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. Patients of Afro-Guyanese origin are more prone to develop open angle glaucoma and are more likely to have family members suffering from glaucoma. It has also been found that glaucoma in Afro-Guyanese patients is usually very severe and more difficult to treat. But there are many ways to treat open angle glaucoma.Over the past years, patients at the hospital have been offered treatment options including medications (eye-drops), glaucoma surgery and also laser treatment for Glaucoma (which includes Laser Trabeculoplasty (Open Angle) and Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (Closed Angle). With the addition of laser treatment,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, open angle glaucoma patients now have a third option for treatment at the institution.At the GPHC Department of Ophthalmology services for diagnosing and treating Glaucoma is offered. The hospital offers daily eye clinics on weekdays where patients can be given eye examinations for the detection of Glaucoma. Patients need to be referred to the hospital before they can obtain an appointment for any service. These referrals can be obtained from their general physicians.