標題: NFL Jerseys From China states

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-13 01:21
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“An anti-corruption court is needed to investigate, prosecute and punish offenders,Jerseys NFL Cheap, including seizing their ill-gotten gains; or the PPP will continue to respond to corruption by refusing to acknowledge its impact, and by continuing to keep the conditions in place for every friend, comrade and family member of theirs to continue their plunder of the nation’s coffers and the people’s rightful share of resources.This was expressed by Leader of the AFC, Raphael Trotman, at the party’s weekly press conference at its Fourth Street, Campbellville headquarters, yesterday.AFC Leader, Raphael TrotmanTrotman said the AFC believes that the situation requires urgent and deliberate intervention, and has begun consultations with foreign experts – in preparation for government – on the necessary steps to be taken to establish an Anti-Corruption Court that is fully resourced.Trotman said that two Mondays ago, August 1, the Guyana Chronicle in an Editorial, “had the audacity to attempt to downgrade the pervasiveness and crippling impact of corruption in and on our nation”.“Reliable information reveals that the editorial was influenced by the thinking and positions of the PPP/C’s Presidential candidate and his inner core of advisers.”The editorial states “….what is disturbing and disgusting is when some, particularly politicians, set about to taint government and other officials with the brush of corruption without producing any credible evidence and instead use all sorts of conjecture and wild speculation. It appears therefore that these persons are desperately trying to get at government officials to score cheap political points in an election season. Of course,Wholesale China Jerseys, it is understandable, and in fact it is part of the political game, that salvoes will be thrown but this does not mean that we should descend to the political gutter.”The AFC’s leader said “it is unimaginable that the government’s paper, the same paper? that maligns and slanders good people, publishes lies and exaggerations, irresponsibly and recklessly, inconsiderate about how many lives are destroyed, could make such as hypocritical statement about corruption and about opposition personnel. When did those in Robb Street and the Office of the President become so righteous?”Trotman opined that the ugly symptoms of corruption have become so deeply entrenched in society that it has become a norm of everyday life.“It has been established thousands of years ago that where the leaders are corrupt, then the people behave likewise and eventually, as we are witnessing, the entire nation hovers on the brink of collapse from decay and rot.”“The writer, James Torh, writing on the evils of government corruption in parts of Africa, states:The insatiable appetites of our officials of government are getting overdue attention. Our governance and contracts systems are based on an “old boys’ network that puts high value on connections, loyalty and back scratching to unsavory practices that routinely failed the critical sniff test of successive governments in our nations’ history. That is the trend for decades. What is frustrating, disheartening and troubling is with the chronic shortage of basic services to the people-electricity, medical,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, clean water, food,China Cheap Jerseys, transportation, education and the list go on, the corruption continues unabated.”Trotman continued: “The PPP’s acolytes keep calling for the proof of corruption, yet every day, and in every way, and everywhere, the corruption is oozing like a cancerous sore. The opposition politicians have no need to find proof as the people have good and long memories as we move along memory lane from the stone scam to the law books, roads, schools,Cheap Jerseys From China, laptops, housing, Amaila Falls, Ed Ahmad? and the never ending list of the suffocating corruption we are being forced to live in.“The people see how a whole new group of gods have been created for land, water, computers, housing, education, pensions,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, and security to name a few. These new deities now expect to be served and not to serve and expect to be given malas whenever they visit, and to be revered whenever they speak or wherever they go. Enough is enough. The smell of this sore has become unbearable and the only ones not smelling and seeing the impending disaster are the government officials and their friends and family members who continue to gorge and to rape and plunder, while we the people grow weaker.”