標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale and the Guyana Defence Forc

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2486
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-13 16:49
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– Rohee tells workshop participantsHome Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has cautioned that terrorism must not be viewed only as an international issue.The Minister expressed this notion yesterday during his feature address at a one-day workshop organised by his Ministry in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).The workshop was held at the Regency Suites Hotel to discuss anti-terrorism initiatives by the Government of Guyana.Participants were drawn from several Government agencies, including the Guyana Police Force, and the Guyana Defence Force, while three officials from the UNODC were the facilitators.Minister Rohee welcomed the collaboration between the Government of Guyana and the UNODC, in particular in the area of the technical assistance being provided to Guyana to aid it in combating terrorism at the national level.He disclosed that Guyana has ratified 12 of the 16 United Nations instruments against terrorism,Wholesale Jerseys China, and that Guyana was in the process of drafting an Anti-Terrorism Bill. Mr. Herman Longo,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Authentic, of the UNODC,Cheap Jerseys USA, in his brief remarks during the opening ceremony, thanked the Government of Guyana for facilitating the workshop.He stated that the objective of the forum was to provide Guyana with assistance in incorporating the UN Anti-Terrorism instruments into its domestic laws,Wholesale Jerseys From China, as part of the global legal framework against terrorism.Among the topics covered were: the global legal framework against terrorism; international cooperation in criminal matters; technical assistance provided by the UNODC and the UN Security Council Resolution 1373 – requirements for implementation.At the conclusion of the workshop,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Elisabeth Harper noted that the workshop was timely, especially since the world was reflecting on the September 11,NFL Jerseys From China, 2001 attacks in the United States.She expressed appreciation to the UNODC for its continued support to the Government of Guyana.