標題: Cheap Jerseys From China East Bank Demerara

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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2018-4-15 15:05
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Attorneys representing the four accused on trial for the murder of 72-year- old Robb Street,Cheap Jerseys From China, resident Clementine Feidtkou-Parris have made their closing arguments.Clementine Fiedtkou-ParrisIn their closing presentations yesterday, all four lawyers essentially argued that the prosecution case was flawed.Attorney-at-Law, George Thomas,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, pointed out that his client had sustained injuries at the hands of the police, while in their custody. He said that the police claimed to acquire information that a number of persons. including a “big businessman”, was involved in the crime but no one went after these persons, whose names were called.Thomas noted that the statement which police allegedly took from Fitzroy Feidtkou, the victim’s brother, outlined that the disputed land had been sold by a woman named Olive to Pete’s Real Estate and the realty,nfl jerseys china, in turn sold it to Trans Pacific Auto Sales.The lawyer further pointed out that in the statement police allegedly took from the accused persons,? the names Dutchie,”? “Otis,” “Satesh” and “Trans” were mentioned as a part of the plot execute the old woman over the plot of land, which she occupied.“Where is Dutchie? Where is Trans? Where is Satesh or Otis? Who are these people? Did the police ever look for the persons, that they claimed had been mentioned in the Caution Statements they said were given by these four men?”? Thomas asked.Further highlighting what he termed as a poor police investigation, the attorney noted a cell phone number mentioned as part of the evidence was never checked out to verify whom it really belonged to.He also noted that a confrontation was never held between the four accused fingered in the killing of Feidtkou-Parris. Prior to the closing addresses, defence witness, Susan Weekes testified.Weekes told the court that her foster brother, Kevin October, was in prison at the time the crime was allegedly committed.? She was called to the stand by Attorney Singh.The woman told court that on June 30, 2011 she received a phone call from a constable at Brickdam Station to bring food for her brother.??? The witness held that her brother had been incarcerated for another matter at that time.“I have no reason to lie… The only reason that I am here is to tell the court that he (October) was in the lock ups,” Weekes said in response to questions by Prosecutor Teeshana Lake.? Lake is appearing in association with attorney -at -law, Narissa Leander, on behalf of the StateFiedtkou-Parris was shot and killed in her home on June 30, 2011 by gunmen who were reportedly hired to end her life over a property dispute.On the day of the shooting, two men reportedly went to the woman’s Lot 42 Robb Street residence and requested an audience with her. Upon hearing the persons requesting her presence, she moved to the door. The gunmen opened fire on her, hitting her several times about the body.It was reported that after the shooting, the suspects made their escape in a waiting car.?The gunmen were paid to end the woman’s life.Four men are currently on trial at the Georgetown High Court for the murder.? Orwin Hinds, called “Red Man,” of Burnham Boulevard, Mocha, East Bank Demerara; Kevin October called,Cheap Jerseys, “Troy,” of Second Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara; Cleon Hinds, and Roy Jacobs called “Chippie” or “Black Boy” of Evans Street, Charlestown, are facing? Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed jury.The men are being represented by Attorneys -at- Law,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, George Thomas, Moti Singh, Raymond Alli and Maxwell Mc Kay.Before the lawyers began their closing arguments, the Judge informed Attorney Maxwell Mc Kay that he was going to be held in Contempt of Court,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, for his late arrival to the hearing.Prior to imposing $5000 fine on the attorney, the Judge inquired from him, his reason for being late.In response, Mc Kay explained that he had some previous engagements, including one at the Magistrate’s Court.? Justice Singh then told the attorney that it was not proper for him to delay a High Court hearing to deal with matters pertaining to a Summary Court.The judge also pointed out to Mc Kay that he had been consistently late for the hearings within the past three weeks that the trial had been ongoing.? Mc Kay is not the only lawyer whom the judge cited Contempt of Court.At the commencement of the trial Attorney- at-law Moti Singh, was fined $10,000 for lateness.The prosecution is expected to present its closing arguments on Monday.