標題: NFL Jerseys China Online Dawn McLean

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-15 16:54
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Eleven-year-old Dawnetta McLean is the fortunate beneficiary of a five-year scholarship sponsored by Digicel. The lucky young lady received the scholarship yesterday at the Digicel’s Fort and Barrack Streets, Kingston,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, branch.Dawnetta McLean who appeared in the Stabroek News last month with a touching story of how she defied odds to secure a place at Queen’s College (QC) after writing the National Grade Six Assessment,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, was elated at the benevolence of the entity.The article highlighted that her mother,Cheap Jerseys Online, Dawn McLean,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was not in a financial position to secure her daughter’s school apparel for the new school term and the everyday bus fare that she would have to find to send her daughter to the school of her dreams.According to Digicel Head of Marketing, Jacqueline James,Cheap Jerseys Online, Digicel was touched by the story of Dawnetta’s success.“We are not only rewarding her for her great success but also giving her an opportunity to excel even further. Dawnetta has certainly defied the odds and her success can be an inspiration for many children in her situation.“But we do not want her success to end here. We believe with the right support,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, this young lady can achieve greater goals and we are pleased to say that we will be supporting her 100% along that journey.”