標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China PPP

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2456
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 00:41
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– Harmon tells House Bharrat Jagdeo, during his presidential tenure failed Guyana terribly and is well on his way to cementing that failed legacy.That is what the Minister of State,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Joseph Harmon told the National Assembly on Friday as he made his contribution to the Budget Debates.Minister of State,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Joseph HarmonOpposition Leader, Bharrat JagdeoWhen Harmon took the floor he spoke about areas of governance that he is responsible for as the Minister of State. He spoke about the new administration’s vision for the Public Service, the State Assets Recovery Unit and the ongoing forensic audits.However, a significant portion of Harmon’s time was spent pointing out the “fact” that Jagdeo has “failed Guyana” and seems determined to frustrate the new government’s efforts to right his wrongs.In this regard, Harmon noted the words of former Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) opposition is in the House “firing on all cylinders.”But Harmon questioned, “What does that mean for the people of Guyana,” in light of the fact that Jagdeo is the one directing how and when these shots will be fired.The Minister of State lamented on the fact that Jagdeo was not PPP’s Presidential neither Prime Ministerial candidate yet he has hijacked the position of Opposition Leader.Harmon told the House, “Let’s go back a little to when the honorable Leader of the Opposition demitted office as President of this country and we will see what is meant by the firing on all cylinders.”He stated that just after Jagdeo demitted office, an article titled, “Guyanese president leaves a tattered legacy” was published on the website of the Counsel of Hemispheric Affairs (COHA).Harmon quoted the article which said,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, “Jagdeo could only receive the lowest marks of any independent evaluation. Through his tolerance of crime,China NBA Jerseys, racism and dismal social progress, President Jagdeo has turned in a fifth grade performance as President of one of the poorest countries in the hemisphere.”Harmon said that the article went on to note that “Jagdeo goes down in history as a man who did almost nothing for his nation.”According to the Minister, the article also stated that Jagdeo has “failed in his presidency to advance the freedom and fairness to Guyanese public life.”At this point, Clement Rohee tried to stop Harmon from using the publication as a reference, telling the House that he had written to the COHA in response to the article and it was subsequently withdrawn.To this, the government responded “so what” and Harmon informed the House that he downloaded the letter that very morning.House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland therefore allowed Harmon to continue with his presentation.The Minister further quoted the article which stated that the increased economic growth which Jagdeo and the PPP government boast about is “futile if it does not translate into a greater sense of prosperity within the entirety of the society.”Further, Harmon told the House that the intervening period of 2011 to May 2015 has seen a continuation of the policies “which gave Jagdeo a fair rate. So Mr. Speaker,Stitched Jerseys, we understand why there has to be a fresh approach.”Harmon also told the National Assembly that as the Minister of State, he had the privilege of co-chairing the Transition Committee between the PPP/C administration and the “fresh and clean APNU+AFC Administration.” He said that therefore, he had an opportunity to view the “debris left after the 23 year hurricane called the PPP/C Administration.”The Minister said that only Audits and Commissions of Inquiry can truly seek to comprehend “what had passed for a government, especially in the last 13 years.” Harmon said that there was a “blatant disregard for the rule of law, questionable financial transactions and abuse of state assets,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, just to name a few. That’s why the PPP is afraid of an audit…that is what Mr. Rohee is afraid of.”Harmon said that “the Audits and State Assets Recovery Unit will find the trail to the money which Members of the PPP have stashed in Abu Dhabi, in New York and other parts of the world.”


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 01:17
Among those injured were GT&T staffer Daun Ellis; the driver of the route 48 minibus, Marvin Benn, 27; his conductor,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Nandalall Singh; Travis Knights, 19; Normell Tony, 12; Tomeka Reid,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, 13; Nekeisha Fraser, 17; Kelvin Fletcher, 13; Trevor Bell, 29; Shonette Kellman,NFL Jerseys China, 13; Patricia Aaron,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, 56; Shane London, 16; and Tenisha Chester, 12.While reports are still sketchy as to what really transpired at the intersection, which has traffic lights, an eyewitness said that speeding was the main factor on the part of one of the drivers involved.The eyewitness recounted that the route 48 minibus, BHH 778, was heading west from Homestretch Avenue into South Road and “beat the traffic light”.The other vehicle, BHH 5996, was heading south from Vlissengen Road onto Cemetery Road. According to the eyewitness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he was in the lineup of vehicles waiting for the traffic light to change when he saw the route 48 minibus speeding past his car.“The traffic light directing traffic on Homestretch was signaling stop and it had exactly 27 seconds more before it change and all I see is this bus speeding through the light and it slam right into the other bus,” the eyewitness recalled.However, one passenger who was in the minibus at the time of the accident said from all indications the brakes of the minibus failed. “We coming down Homestretch and when we near reach the traffic light all I hear is the driving hollering ‘oh s**t, de brakes ain’t working’, and he try to avoid hitting a car but slam into the other minibus.”That passenger was among those treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital and sent away. Other passengers were treated for minor lacerations.The driver of the GT&T contract minibus who was identified as James Hinds escaped without injury,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, while the staffer he was transporting was admitted for observation at a private hospital.


帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 04:42
… IMF measures saved Guyana – Dr Yesu PersaudBy Gary EleazarDespite the Global Financial Crisis that wreaked havoc on institutions regionally,Cheap Jerseys China, internationally and locally with the Colonial Life Insurance Company, Chairman of the Board of Directors,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Dr Yesu Persaud, yesterday informed shareholders that the bank recorded its highest profit ever.Dr Persaud was at the time addressing the Demerara Bank Limited 15th Annual General Meeting at the Grand Coastal Inn where he informed the shareholders that they scored better than any other commercial bank in Guyana as it relates to returns on assets. This could also be the case regionally, he added.The year was such an excellent year for Demerara Bank that Dr Persaud announced favourable dividends to be paid to the shareholders.In his presentation Dr Persaud outlined to the shareholders the genesis of the financial meltdown pointing out that it was the rigid measures that were put in place by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to cause commercial banks to be regulated by the Central Bank that saved Guyana from an even more dire fate as a result of the crisis.According to Dr Persaud it was an,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, “excellent year for Demerara Bank.”The Bank’s Net Profit increased from $750M in 2008 to G$818M in 2009, representing an increase of close to 10 per cent above the previous year.Last year,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, the Bank achieved a Profit Growth of 33.92 per cent and prior to that we had achieved a profit growth of 97.87 per cent.“Considering the challenging global environment and our selective risk appetite,Wholesale China Jerseys, the results are excellent.”He explained that the pivotal marker in assessing a bank was the return on average assets which this year was 3.02 per cent which he described as outstanding considering the international standard of one per cent and which is the best among all the commercial banks in Guyana.The returns on the bank’s return on Shareholders’ Funds were 23 per cent, which Dr Persaud said was good in comparison with other commercial banks.Deposits at the banks moved to $21.2B to $24.9B, which represented an increase of nearly 18 per cent over the previous year with savings deposits up, from $6.6B to $8.8B.It was however noted that with the surge in deposits and lack of opportunities in new investments,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the main focus of the bank’s operations now would be advances.Investments increased from $6.8B to $7.3B but Dr Persaud emphasized that their investments are secure in that the Bank has a policy of ensuring that they pursue minimal risk investments.Net Advances went up from $6.7B to $8.7B, which shows a rise of 29.8 per cent over the previous year.The net non-performing advances is recorded and verified by auditors as $90M as on 30/09/2009 which reflects one per of the bank’s Gross Advances “which is even better than the internationally accepted level…Our net non-performing Advances is lowest among all the banks.”Earnings per share also escalated by nine per cent over the previous year.Forty-one per cent of the bank’s advances were financed out of our capital and with 44.8 per cent of the assets being liquid.He added also that based on net worth of $3.6B, the bank’s capital adequacy is to 28.36 per cent which is 3.2 times more than the required level.“This capital adequacy gives us good scope for development in the next four to five years.The Chairman noted in his report expansion of the Bank’s branch network one branch in 2004 to four branches presently with a Branch at Diamond scheduled to open sometime in June 2010.