標題: Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys SWAT

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2018-4-7 13:25
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The Guyanese public has been assured that by mid-2014 a fully functioning Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit will take on the crime situation in the country.This announcement was made last evening by Director of The Emergence Group (TEG) Dennis Hays during a ceremony held to ink the agreement between the Guyana Government and his organization which will provide specialised training to the anti-crime unit.According to Hays, his group is determined to put together the best possible team to approach issues of crime and security, specific to Guyana’s needs. He said that the operations are expected to start in the coming weeks where officials from the United States-based organisation will be in Guyana to assess the capabilities, equipment and skills existing in the crime-fighting sector.Following the assessments,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Hays said that a “Guyanese-specific programme” will be generated to provide “more training,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, more mentoring and exercises that will develop components of the Police Force.”Permanent Secretary of the Home Affairs Ministry Angela Johnson and Director of TEG Dennis Hays sign the agreement in the presence of, from left; Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee,Wholesale Jerseys, TEG official Dan Waddington and Police Commissioner Leroy BrumellThe Director explained that the extra training received will allow for the candidates to be “very equipped and very prepared” to deal with serious crime-related issues.He said that his group is aiming for a result that allows the Commissioner of Police to call upon the specially-trained officers at any time with the confidence that they can deliver what is expected.He expressed confidence that the team will be fully armed with the proficient judgment required in difficult situations.Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, noted that the saying ‘better late than never’ fits the SWAT team initiative, as “it has been quite long in the making.”He was also confident that the team will be able to deliver its mandate. He reiterated his commitment to ensuring that steps are taken from all necessary angles to address the crime situation in Guyana,NFL Jerseys Outlet, hence the establishment of the SWAT team.The Minister urged that the team under consideration should not be compared with similar teams that existed in the past,Wholesale Jerseys China, and which have all ceased operations.“There is no way those units that existed before could be called SWAT teams,” the Minister stated.Rohee said that there have been misconceptions about what is professionally regarded as a SWAT team, compared to units that existed before.He added that this is the first time that the Government of Guyana is moving to set up a professional SWAT team, established to international standards. He thus urged that the current team not be prejudged based on the antecedents of previous units.While acknowledging that there will always be room for improvement,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Minister calculated that the team will be able to facilitate additional improvements to current capacities to fight crime and deal with serious matters that require such services.“Let’s give it a chance to be established, give it a chance to function and give it a chance to deliver,” he said.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2442
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發表於 2018-4-7 13:35
The relatives of four men who are accused of murdering a miner in 2013, moved to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in protest yesterday, demanding that a new Prosecutor should preside in the preliminary inquiry.A source from the DPP’s office said that the DPP has appointed Police Inspector,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Vishnu Hunt, who is attached to the DPP’s Chambers, to prosecute the case.In a statement issued yesterday, the DPP said, “As a measure of precaution to avoid any further delay in the Pl, the DPP assigned Inspector Hunt to the Pl in the event that Special Prosecutor Nigel Hughes does not appear.”According to reports, Hunt was present at the previous hearing which took place last week Wednesday.The protesting relatives are contending that the work load of special prosecutor assigned the case, Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes, is causing undue delay to the Preliminary Inquiry (PI) which commenced almost two years ago.Vishnu Babu, Mohamed Razack, Chetram Diaram and Shawn Caesar were remanded to prison since April 10, 2013, having been charged with the murder of John Derwin McPherson.The men were all workers on a dredge in the interior. They are accused of beating McPherson to death after he was reportedly caught stealing from their operation.Among those present at the protest yesterday, armed with placards, were the men’s wives, children, siblings and other family members. Some of the placards read,Cheap China Jerseys, “DPP should appoint new prosecutor”; “Nigel Hughes is denying my husband justice” and “Justice delayed is justice denied.”One placard held by a child, read, “I need justice for my daddy, Vishnu Babu.”Hughes was granted a fiat by the DPP to prosecute the matter after he reportedly applied to do so on behalf of the victim’s relatives.But from time to time he is reportedly unavailable which forces the Magistrate to give new dates.Relatives are saying that given the fact that General Elections is on the horizon, and Hughes,Cheap NFL Jerseys, being a senior member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), his duty as a prosecutor will be affected.They say that around this time, the politician will have to do campaigning, and the court case against their loved ones will further be delayed since it will take time for him to travel to Bartica and in some cases,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, he will have to overnight.The relatives are also saying that when the Magistrate gave close dates, Hughes always objects, claiming that he will be unavailable. Most times, the Magistrate will concur with the politician, since he has other matters in the High Court.While the relatives have no personal problem with Hughes, they are concerned that with his additional responsibility, his time as a prosecutor will be limited.According to the DPP, two separate PI’s are being conducted in this matter before Magistrate Dellon Bess for the four accused persons.The first PI involves three accused Vishnu Babu, Mohamed Razack and Chetram Diaram, while the second one involves Shawn Caesar because he was arrested after the first Pl had already commenced.The next court date is on Friday 23rd January, 2015.Yesterday, Babu’s wife, Shivanie,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, said that she and other family members of the other men want a speedy trial.“It is very costly when we have to travel to Bartica for the hearing. We want some sort of closure to this case. If Hughes is too busy to prosecute this case, then they should appoint someone else,” the wife said.She added that it is frustrating to sit and wait for almost two years and still not know the fate of her husband. The relatives vow to continue with their protest action until they receive some sort of justice.McPherson, 25, was beaten to death on April 11,Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 2013 at a mining camp at Oku Backdam, Cuyuni by the four miners after he and two accomplices allegedly robbed the men’s camp.


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2468
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-7 14:10
The Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, yesterday during a special press briefing, said that the party and its partner GAP-ROAR have been vindicated by the Guyana Court of Appeal in their demand to be formally included in the House to House Registration exercise which commenced in January, 2008.Leader of the AFC, Raphael Trotman, noted that the credibility of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is now in disrepute; further their ability to host a fair election would also be subjected to scrutiny.Ramjattan said in an opening statement at the press briefing that GECOM would do well to commence a process to rehabilitate its lost creditability.This lost credibility is not only due to the judgement that affirmed the proportional allocation of funds for scrutineering the House to House registration by political opposition parties “but also the condemnation by the Court which found GECOM’s conduct in not responding with an affidavit in answer to the affidavit David Patterson and Everall Franklin filed in the High Court,Wholesale Jerseys From China, as wholly unacceptable for a constitutional body of such high importance in a matter of such gravity.”Ramjattan added,Wholesale Jerseys From China, “This approach by GECOM in wanting to appeal a decision of a Judge it felt no reason to enter an appearance before was rightly condemned by the Court of Appeal.”Regarding the credibility of the National Voters’ Registration Database or voters’ list that is currently being prepared without scrutineers given that they have not been paid ever since April, Trotman said that his party reserved the right to challenge the list’s authenticity.“The absence of scrutineers diminishes the integrity of the list,” said Ramjattan.Trotman also added that GECOM has entered into a confrontational situation with the AFC in that it firstly denied a parliamentary seat won in Region 10. “We were told (by GECOM) that it was a genuine mistake and the court would be used to correct it now they are actually challenging…Secondly by appealing a court where they should have appeared as neutral.”Trotman note that the court ruling only stated that the scrutineers’ money should have been allocated proportionately but by challenging it they have become confrontational.As such, Trotman added that by GECOM’s own doing, it has placed itself in jeopardy with regards its ability to conduct in future any elections freely and impartially. “We are not convinced that they are behaving in a neutral manner.”?According to Ramjattan, all that was asked for at the time was to be treated with respect by GECOM by having AFC scrutineers remunerated in the same way as the other parliamentary parties’ scrutineers were.AFC computations place the shared figure $21M for AFC/GAP/ROAR.He noted also that, ” The AFC feels that GECOM’s behaviour in this regard was tantamount to that of a criminal suspect who holds on to his right to silence yet wants to make legal submissions.The objective must now be to work towards a genuinely professional, independent and fair culture in this important constitutional body…GECOM now has no other option and the first thing that it can start doing in this regard is to request of both the PPP/C and PNC/R to itemize the names of each scrutineer who worked and the days each worked and the monies paid to each and publicise this information on its website for public scrutiny.”This,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ramjattan said,Cheap Jerseys From China, would bring to an end speculation about a creaming off of some $36m by the leaders of the PNCR and a further $40m by the leaders of the PPP/C, of the respective $100m each.Ramjattan also emphasised that the Party is very pleased with the judgment of the court as handed down by Acting Chancellor Carl Singh in which GECOM’s appeal on every ground argued was dismissed.“Though the determination of the case may be a victory without any prize for the AFC – the PNC and PPP having already shared out amongst themselves nearly $200 million,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, the Guyanese people are the biggest winners on two very important legal issues…Firstly,Jerseys NFL China, the principle is now firmly established that GECOM as a constitutional entity must act fairly when deliberating on matters within its portfolio least it suffer scrutiny by our Judiciary if it does not…Secondly, the significant precedent is now established locally that any public-spirited citizen/taxpayer will have locus standi (right of identifiable status) to institute legal proceedings for remedies against any Government wrong-doing, so as to ensure the upholding of the Rule of Law.”He also added that the ju


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2442
用戶失蹤天數 2146
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-7 17:02
His battle-scarred body bears evidence of a tough life, but this Lodge resident declares: I am no killer!?By Michael BenjaminA resident of Norton Street, Lodge, whom his fellow villagers dubbed a potential killer, has vehemently denied the allegations, stating instead that he is just a victim of abuse.The man, Orrin Burkette, was referring to an article appearing in this newspaper last Saturday. Residents of Lodge Housing Scheme had labelled ‘a certain resident’ living in Norton Street, Lodge a potential killer. Burkette said that he has every reason to believe that he is the resident referred to.??The damage he sustained to his eye He said that early on the morning of Saturday, January 31last, he had a fight with a friend, Eusi Johnson, over a bottle of rum. He said that they were at a party in Joseph Pollydore Street at the time. Burkette also admitted chopping Johnson after disarming him. However, he said that Johnson had dealt him several stabs about his body, and he was merely defending himself.Burkette said that the fracas had its genesis when he and some other friends, including Johnson, were hanging out in front of the Bloomingsdale Night Club. He said that they were consuming a ‘grenade’ (a mini bottle of XM rum). He said that after the contents of that bottle were depleted, his friends nominated him to go to the bar and purchase another. He said that the alcohol was being sold at the Bar for $600, as against $300 at a nearby shop.The man related that he decided to capitalize on the cheaper price. “The boys gave me $1500 to buy two ‘tomahawks’ (large XM 5-year-old rum) but the shop had none, so I decided to buy five ‘grenades’ instead,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Burkette said.?He said that when he returned with the alcohol, Johnson approached him and angrily demanded to know what took him so long. He said that he offered an explanation, but,Cheap Jerseys From China, apparently not satisfied, Johnson became angry and started calling him vulgar names. Burkette said they had a heated exchange of words and the situation got out of hand. “Eusi asked me if I want fight and me ent back down,” Burkette said. He said that they proceeded outside of the dance to settle the score. Burkette said that no sooner had they reached outside than Johnson whipped out a knife and dealt him several stabs.Indeed, there were wounds to several parts of Burkette’s body. The blood oozed from a wound centimetres from his armpit and also from another by his elbow. There was also a bandaged wound on Burkette’s hip. He said that this particular wound was the worst of the lot and necessitated 16 sutures.?The bloodied wound Burkette allegedly received in last week’s encounter with Johnson.All through the interview,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, the young man was grimacing in pain. When asked to explain the wound on Johnson’s head, Burkette said,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “After he attack me,Stitched Jerseys, I put meh hands pon a knife and fire a juk.”Burkette said that a team of police officers arrived on the scene shortly afterwards, and one of them instructed him (Burkette) to seek medical attention. Burkette said that after issuing this command, the officers left the scene. He said that he was not interested in seeking medical help, nor was he interested in reporting the matter to the police.The man said that it was only after he had left the scene that the seriousness of his injury dawned on him. “I start to feel giddy, so I decided to make a report at Brickdam,”?? Burkette related.He said that the officers at that station dropped him off at the Georgetown Public Hospital, and instructed him to visit the Alberttown Police Station to lodge a report when he had received medical attention.Burkette said that he adhered to those instructions and spoke with the corporal at the front desk of the said station. He said that the officer informed his that his adversary had also lodged a complaint. She further said that she had also sent him to seek medical attention and return with the certificate. The officer,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, moreover, advised him to wait until Johnson returned, so that she could have taken statements from both parties.Burkette said that he waited for more than an hour, and after Johnson failed to show up, he left. He said that the officers at the Alberttown station took a statement from him, and ordered him to return the following day.However, a senior officer at the Alberttown Police Station said that neither Burkette nor Johnson had given a statement. He said that neither of them returned after being sent to the hospital. The officer said that the police could not pu


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2442
用戶失蹤天數 2146
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-7 18:29
While details are still sketchy, the Head of the Child Care and Protection Agency, Ann Greene,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, yesterday confirmed that the entity did have custody of an 11-year-old girl,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and that there is an ongoing investigation following reports of sexual molestation.This newspaper understands that about three weeks ago,Jerseys Wholesale, the girl’s aunt who lives in the lower flat of their Meten-Meer-Zorg residence,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, walked in and found her 35-year-old brother and her naked niece.She told this newspaper that she saw her brother sitting on the bed and the girl standing in front of him and he was sucking on her breasts and fondling her. The little girl ran when her aunt entered and the brother has since been threatening the aunt,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, saying that she and her husband must move out of the bottom flat.The 11 year-old girl’s mother,Wholesale Jerseys China, meanwhile, is reportedly in denial.The girl allegedly told a neighbour that the acts have been happening for close to two years now.She said that while he has not had sex with her he would put her to watch “blues’ (pornography) and he would have her perform oral sex.While a report was made to the police and the man was detained, he has since been released.