標題: China Jerseys Wholesale NFMU

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 14:29
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Applications for broadcasting licences pending at the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) may be processed shortly.Cabinet has approved the appointment of the Governing Board of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority subsequent to the commencement order identifying that the Broadcast Act of 2011 has come into force.Dr. Roger Luncheon made this announcement yesterday during post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President.Former Minister and Attorney-at-Law Bibi Shaddick will be chairperson of the board, while the other six members are UG lecturer,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Sherwood Lowe (nominee of the leader of the Opposition) and presidential nominees,Wholesale Jerseys, Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family Project,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, Margot Boyce; Captain Gerry Gouveia; former army chief,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, Major General Norman McLean (ret’d); Head of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA),Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Dr. Dindyal Permaul and Charles S. Ramson Jr, a lawyer at the Office of the President.Dr. Luncheon related that the Board is tasked statutorily with licencing in the Broadcast Sector and ensuring compliance of broadcasters with the provision of the Broadcast Act. Unaware of the number of applications for broadcasting licences that accumulated over the years, he opined that there have been a “tidy few” sent to the NFMU for processing.Dr. Luncheon added that the initial location for the Governing Board would be the National Frequency Management Unit,NFL Jerseys China, but there are plans to establish an office. It would house the Broadcasting Authority and provide office space for the Governing Board.“The opportunity would of course be used to build, to accommodate expanded services to be offered by the successor to the National Frequency Management Unit, but that would be a matter subsequent to legislation that is before Parliament right now – the Telecommunications Amendment Bill,” he said.