標題: Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys in 2012

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1829
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 15:32
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The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is likely to recommend charges for the policeman at the centre of allegations of brutality against 23-year-old Colwyn Harding.However, the charges may have nothing to do with the alleged sexual assault on the victim.A source close to the investigation informed this newspaper that there is enough evidence to charge the cop with physical assault of Harding. But according to the source,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, there is no strong evidence to support Harding’s claims that the policeman inserted a baton into his anus.Harding has been a patient of the Georgetown Hospital for the past two weeks, suffering from a ruptured intestine.According to one of the investigators,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the evidence revealed that although the alleged incident occurred in November last year, Harding’s mother in a statement given on December 20 did not make any allegations of a baton being placed into her son’s anus.The police only obtained a statement from Harding last week, in which the allegation was made.Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell had told a press conference last week that the OPR’s investigations should be completed by today.The policeman at the centre of allegations has a history of violent behavior, according to his colleagues.The man, who was up to last week under close arrest, was previously investigated on two separate occasions for indiscriminately discharging a loaded firearm while on the job.These incidents led to advice being given that he should not be issued with weapons while on duty.Kaieteur News was reliably informed that in 2011, while on patrol duty with other ranks,Wholesale Football Jerseys, during the period he was stationed at Impact Base, Brickdam, the Constable discharged two rounds at a colleague from the M-70 weapon that he was carrying. At the time, the patrol had stopped a vehicle and there was some disagreement over whether the driver should be arrested or not.He was initially placed under close arrest while the matter was being investigated. He subsequently proceeded on leave,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, but later resumed duty without charge at the Stabroek Market Outpost.According to his colleagues, in 2012, while on duty at the Stabroek Market, the rank discharged several rounds at a criminal suspect on Lombard Street, endangering the lives of persons in the vicinity.Again no action was taken except to transfer the rank to Timehri,NFL Jerseys China, with the advice that he should not be given a firearm to work with.Apart from the two mentioned matters, the policeman has reportedly had several run-ins with other colleagues.This newspaper contacted senior police officers, but they all claimed not to know about the two incidents, although the policeman’s colleagues corroborated each other’s reports of them with details.Meanwhile, the Justice Institute Guyana has condemned the brutal attack allegedly made on Harding.According to the institute, the alleged attack would amount to torture, contrary to Article 141 of the Constitution.It said that it is deeply concerned at the failure of the State to show adequate concern for Harding’s wellbeing and his dignity as a human being.“We deplore the fact that Mr. Harding was shackled to his hospital bed and had to suffer the indignity of waiting for colostomy bags rather than having the bags immediately to hand. It is also alleged that prison officers have assaulted Mr. Harding on his hospital bed while he has been in the care of the Georgetown Public Hospital. The Justice Institute calls for an immediate and independent investigation into the treatment received by Mr. Harding at the Georgetown Public Hospital.”The Justice Institute also lamented what it deemed as Minister Bheri Ramsaran’s attempt to attribute Harding’s injuries to hernia.“The Minister’s interference is improper, has undermined public confidence in the statements subsequently made by the doctors of the Georgetown Public Hospital and has regrettably provided a basis for public suspicion of a cover up,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online,” the Justice Institute Guyana stated.