標題: China NFL Jerseys

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-21 00:02
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Faroud Mohamed yesterday appeared before Magistrate Priya Beharry, to answer three counts of dangerous driving causing death. It is alleged that the accused on July 31,NFL Jerseys China, at Providence Public Road drove a motor vehicle PFF 576 in a manner dangerous to the public causing the deaths of Richard Chinian, Asheeki Ally and James Sookdeo. Mohamed pleaded not guilty to all three counts.The Police Prosecutor told the court that Mohamed was driving the vehicle PFF 576 north along the Providence Public Road, when he lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a lamp post, causing the deaths of Chinian,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, Ally and SookdeoAttorney-at-Law Glenn Hanoman,China Jerseys Cheap, who is working in association with Attorney-at-Law Sase Gunraj, represented Mohamed yesterday in court. Hanoman said that his client was not the driver of the vehicle.That there are witnesses that would corroborate this, he said.He continued that his client was in fact in the back seat of the vehicle,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and not in the front, thwarting the reports of an ‘eyewitness’ the police had.According to the reports from that ‘eyewitness’, the driver of the vehicle was wearing a black shirt; according to Hanoman, on the night of the accident Mohamed and another passenger in the vehicle were both wearing black shirts.Hanoman fingered this other passenger as the driver of the vehicle. He pointed out that the only person that could have survived that accident would have had to be sitting in the back seat of the car, where he places his client at the time of the incident. The injuries that Mohamed came out of the accident with were evident in court.He entered the court room with a bandaged foot, and had to use a crutch to move around. There was visible bruising on his arms.Hanoman assured the court that Mohamed was no flight risk,NFL Jerseys China, and highlighted on the fact that he arrived at court even with the serious injuries he received.The Police Prosecutor did not object to bail, and asked that the matter be transferred to the Providence Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate Priya Beharry placed the defendant on $150,000 bail for each count ($450,000 total),Wholesale Jerseys, and ordered that the matter be transferred to the Providence Magistrates Court on September 7.Some time during the evening of Thursday July 30, Richard Chinian took his father’s car, without permission, picked up the other three and went on what appeared to be a ‘joy ride’.