標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys China PNCR

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1829
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 03:40
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Opposition political parties yesterday shunned an invitation by President Bharrat Jagdeo to attend a briefing on recent developments as it relates to the CARIFORUM/EU Economic Partnership Agreement.Alliance For Change Leader, Raphael Trotman chose instead to attend a protest demonstration in Linden regarding the security arrangements at the Wismar Hospital, where two nurses were robbed, with one of them being sexually molested.Party Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said that he was unaware of any such invitation to his party but nevertheless would not have attended, citing that there was no reason for such a briefing.He noted that all and sundry were clear on President Jagdeo’s position and he will have to sign despite his opposition to the EPA.The party in a recent press briefing did state that Jagdeo should be commended for his stand on the EPA but given that the remaining CARIFORUM countries have decided to sign on to the EPA, the only logical choice for Jagdeo now was to sign on.Ramjattan had said that it would have been catastrophic for the country not to sign given that the nation’s exports to Europe would be subjected to GSP (Generalised System of Preferences).Meanwhile, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) yesterday announced and lived up to its statement that it would not have attended the briefing.In a press statement to the media, the party noted that mature consideration was given to the invitation and it was concluded that, given previous experiences,Authentic Jerseys China, no good purpose would be served by attending such a briefing.?“In any case, the PNCR is at a loss to determine what purpose the briefing would serve,NFL Jerseys Outlet, given that President Jagdeo’s many pronouncements on the EPA are now in the public domain.”The party noted, however, that it recognizes that the EPA is not a perfect agreement, conceding that there are deficiencies in trade agreement “However, the PNCR also recognizes the many positive aspects of the EPA,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, as well as its potential for aiding Guyana’s trade and development.”The statement noted that while the PNCR can see merit in some of the arguments advanced by President Bharrat Jagdeo, it has strong reservations about the timing of those arguments. The party believes that it would be useful to spend some time ventilating these issues.The party used the opportunity also to voice its dismay that the Administration appears not to have seen the need to have a proper inter-agency and multi-stakeholder approach to the EPA,NFL Jerseys China, in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation would have played pivotal roles.“Equally disturbing is the absence of any evidence that the Guyana Mission in Brussels was properly briefed and staffed to support this important national exercise, in order to effectively contribute towards the promotion and protection of Guyana’s interest in relation to the EU and the EPA…What is worse is that the President and his Administration had since April 2004,Wholesale Jerseys, when the Caribbean Forum of ACP states (CARIFORUM) launched the EPA negotiations with the EU, to take all necessary steps to organize for the negotiations in a manner which would effectively promote and protect the interests of the people of Guyana.”?The party also noted that what is most harmful to the long term interests of this nation is “the undermining, by President Jagdeo,China Jerseys Cheap, of the solidarity and unity within CARICOM, that had been built up over time”.CARIFORUM leaders have agreed to sign the EPA before the end of October, which will mark the commencement of a new trading era with the European Union.President Jagdeo has long held out that he would not have signed and was pressing for a goods only agreement with a two-year grace period to analyze and possibly re-negotiate the services aspect of the agreement.He subsequently failed to garner support in Barbados where CARIFORUM leaders met at a special meeting of heads to decide on the way forward on the EPA.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 04:21
Media operatives, backed by concerned supporters,Wholesale Jerseys From China, took their protest to the Office of the President today to demand the withdrawal of radio and cable licenses granted under questionable circumstances by former President Bharrat Jagdeo.Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall and Veteran broadcaster Enrico WoolfordThe protest was staged to coincide with a scheduled meeting at the OP between President Donald Ramotar and members of the Opposition over the proposed budget cuts.The peaceful protest saw the presence of Kaieteur News Publisher,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, Glenn Lall; Charles Griffith, a Director at the privately-run Hoyte Blackman Television (HBTV) Channel Nine and veteran broadcaster, Enrico Woolford.Bearing placards,NHL Jerseys Authentic, the protestors stood quietly on the parapet on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, opposite the President’s Office. Police ranks demanded the protestors to leave and even called for “back up. However,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the protest continued.In an invited comment,Wholesale Jerseys, Mr. Lall stressed that “the protest continues with the unlawful, illegal and immoral issue of radio and cable license by former President,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, Bharrat Jagdeo. I believe it was a discriminatory act perpetrated on this national and it must be corrected.”Woolford is convinced that the move made by Jagdeo was clearly one in which he rewarded close friends and party supporters. “He (Bharrat Jagdeo) was supposed to act without affection or ill-will but clearly he acted with affection for his people and ill-will against the people he thought were not in his corner.”Charles Griffith explaining to a police officer what is placard is all about.The rank demanding that protesters remove.


帖子 6579
註冊 2017-12-5
用戶註冊天數 2400
用戶失蹤天數 2189
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 04:29
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