標題: Nike Vapor Max Plus the victim

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1829
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-20 07:58
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Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry remanded a teenager to prison after he was charged with two counts of armed robbery.Gold miner,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Eon Godfrey Lynch,18, denied the allegation which stated that on February 18, at Agricola, being in the company of others, and armed with a gun, he? robbed Dexter Richards of one Jialing motorcycle valued $175,000,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, property of Shondel Mars.The particulars of the second charge stated that on March 1, in the Georgetown Magisterial District, while being in the lawful custody of Constable Boyce, pending investigations into a sexual assault matter, he escaped.Particulars of the last charge stated that on February 18, at Georgetown being armed with a gun,NFL Jerseys Cheap, he robbed Dexter Richards of one gold chain valued $50,000,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, property of the said Richards.An unrepresented Lynch pleaded not guilty to the charges when they were read to him yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Police Inspector Michael Grant stated that on the day in question around 16:00hrs, the victim (Richards) was in Agricola conducting some business. When he experienced technical difficulties with the motorcycle; he stopped the motorcycle to tend to the problem when a man came up to him with a cutlass,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys, along with the defendant who placed a gun to his head.Richards positively identified the defendant as the person who carried out the brutal attack on him.Lynch who resides at 16 Second Bridge, Cow Dam, Diamond East Bank Demerara (EBD) was unrepresented by an attorney.The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that Lynch has a pending robbery under-arms matter at the Providence Magistrates’ Court. He also pointed out that the defendant has a sexual offence matter that is currently being investigated and they are still awaiting advice from the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP). Grant also cited the seriousness,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, prevalence and the penalty the offence attracts if the defendant is found guilty.The prosecution’s request was upheld and Lynch was refused bail and remanded to prison.He was ordered to make his next court appearance before Magistrate Judy Latchman on March 25.