標題: Nike Vapor Max Plus Jennifer Webster

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註冊 2017-9-26
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發表於 2018-3-18 08:09
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…never told Cabinet about her daughter’s involvement with ‘Ghost Company’-Dr Luncheon Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster, was not completely honest when she said that she was not present at Cabinet when it had discussed the Memorandum of Understanding to pursue a US$30M recycling plant with ‘Ghost Company’ Natural Globe Inc.Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer WebsterHead of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, recently debunked the Minister’s claim. He said that she would have had to be present at a number of meetings where the subject was discussed.According to Dr Luncheon, the MoU would have been engaging Cabinet for a number of months and as such the Minister inevitably would have had to be present at a number of these.Dr Roger Luncheon further told media operatives that the Minister at no point in time informed Cabinet that her daughter was one of the three directors of the Natural Globe Inc, which incidentally was only registered three months ago.The proposal to build the US$30M recycling plant was submitted to Government 14 months ago.This past week Dr Luncheon announced that following days of explosive revelations regarding Natural Globe Inc, Cabinet has decided to abandon the MoU.The decision would have been made days after Government stoutly defended the company and the MoU.Local Government Minister,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Ganga Persaud, had even accused the media of seeking to scare away investors,NHL Jerseys Authentic, such as Mohamed Osman, the Chief Executive Officer of Natural Globe Inc.The Minister of Local Government claimed that he was “satisfied that there is credible evidence with regards to Mr Osman (sic) experience, involvement, and expertise in the business of recycling and his initial commitment to invest approximately US$30M in this particular project.“The standard operating procedures were followed in identifying Natural Globe Guyana Inc.”Dr Luncheon this past week however, took an about-turn and said that it was the media exposure that prompted the review and eventual abandonment of the MoU.“In the wake of the media revelations and in the context of its recent execution of the MoU with the firm Natural Globe Inc, for recycling services in Guyana, Cabinet has decided to withdraw its execution of the MoU with the firm,Wholesale Jerseys,” said Dr. Luncheon.Asked about the due diligence that Government would have conducted prior to inking the MoU with Natural Globe Inc, Dr. Luncheon said, “A number of areas were inadequately attended to.”Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger LuncheonHe said that it was “the media revelations that pointed this out, rather forcibly, to the attention not only of Cabinet, but of the Guyanese people.”Natural Globe Inc, the company in question, is run by Osman and has as its Directors, his son, Imzamam Osman and Andrianna Webster, the daughter of the Minister of Human Services and Social Security,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Jennifer Webster.Asked to identify the investors, he said that it was the Minister’s daughter and himself that would be putting US$15M each.Minister Webster while confirming that her daughter was a Director of the company, vehemently denied that she was investing any money given that she was not a shareholder.Pressed further on the source of his share of the financing, Osman said that he is the Vice President of Mogford Enterprise in Canada which is the parent company for a subsidiary called the Tadger Group International.While there was no website found for the parent company,Cheap China Jerseys, one was located for what he claimed is the subsidiary.When questioned further about this company, details such as contact information,Wholesale Jerseys Online, among other things, Osman said he could not recall at the time and would text Kaieteur News the information.The Ministry of Local Government had on the very day contradicted what Osman was saying when it released a statement that he “Osman serves in the capacity of Technical Advisor to this agency.”