標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale China 00 hours

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 07:41
分享  私人訊息  頂部
An emotional Martin Luke King, from Number Two Canal, West Bank Demerara, came with tears in his eyes and grief in his words to Kaieteur News as he related how negligence was responsible for his wife’s death at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on January 17,Wholesale Jerseys, 2010.A grief stricken Martin Luke KingHe said that she underwent a series of medical tests at the GPHC and had she been diagnosed and treated in a timely manner,NFL Jerseys China, her life could have been saved. According to King, his wife, Dawn Lane, was the mother of five and the main earner in the home since she was a trader of goods.He said that his wife returned home before Christmas last year after trading and complained of not feeling well, since her eyes appeared to be yellow and her urine was red.He explained she was taken to the Pharmacy where she received medication, and later noticed her eyes were turning a deeper yellow and thought it was jaundice.King said his wife was then taken to the GPHC at noon and waited at the emergency section for hours. She was seen by a doctor at 17:15 hours although few persons were at the emergency section.He added the doctor then took blood samples and said in two hours the results would be available. Some time after 22:00 hours, the results were still not available.King said that his wife was admitted for two days and on her discharge, told to return on January 26,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 2010.“Can you believe that blood test results would take so long while my wife is punishing?” he queried.King revealed that his wife was very weak and in tremendous pain. He said that she could not even have a bowel movement. He then carried her to Woodlands Hospital where more tests were done,Cheap NFL Jerseys, samples taken, and the doctor told King that his wife would have to be admitted.The man said that he explained to the doctor that he could not afford that. He was then advised by the doctor to carry the same test results to the GPHC and give it to the doctor.He further said that the second Friday in January he returned with his wife at the GPHC and was told by a nurse to carry his wife to the outpost. While there,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, his wife saw a doctor and was told that a liquid was in her stomach. She then received two injections and was told that more tests would have to be taken.“I then went to the hospital the next day for my wife’s results and they had me running from the blood bank to central, then to emergency and no one said where my wife results were.“I even see a woman, the director for that part and still nothing,Nike Shox Gravity, only the day before my wife died they find she results. It was for hepatitis B, the serious one.” King said.He further added that his wife was admitted to GPHC and when they were there she sat in a wheel chair for hours before she received saline. She had to be interviewed by another doctor before given a bed. He noted that when he called his wife from her mobile phone she said she was feeling very strange and sick and all that she received were painkillers and a tablet to ease her bowels.Then he visited her and broke down in tears to see his wife in a condition he had never seen her in before.“How can they only give her pain tablets and nothing else?” King questioned.“I told my children that the doctor said they mother had a 50/50 chance of survival,” he said.He further explained that the night before his wife died, he slept on the outside of the female ward on the bench because he wanted to see her as early as possible. “When I went in I see my wife tongue outside her mouth and I put it in back, she was looking really bad.” The nurses then placed an oxygen mask over her face he said.In tears, the man related that a patient told him that the nurses and doctors were not attending to his wife properly since she was reluctant to drink any tablets and the nurses were carefree in their attendance.King explained since the doctors and staff of the GPHC gave him the royal run around and delayed the necessary treatment for his wife, her health deteriorated rapidly resulting in her death.“They robbed my children of a mother and she was the bread winner of the family,” King said in grief.


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 07:50
A former policewoman who was dismissed over her suspected links to criminals is now among three persons detained following the discovery of an unlicenced 9mm firearm.The detained persons are all members of a security firm.Kaieteur News understands that police first arrested a man at Port Kaituma,holesale Soccer Jerseys, North West District,Cheap Jerseys, with an unlicensed 9mm firearm in his possession.A source said that the serial number had been filed off. The arrested man identified himself as an employee with a Georgetown-based security company and alleged that a supervisor had given him the gun.Police reportedly then arrested the supervisor,Nike Vapor Max Plus Triple Black, who claimed that the ex-policewoman,Cheap Nike Shox, who is also a supervisor,NFL Jerseys Supply, had given him the firearm.The woman was then detained. Police said that charges are likely.Kaieteur News was told that the woman was a member of the Guyana Police Force during the height of the crime wave,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, when ranks allegedly found her in a house on the East Coast Demerara in which a wanted man was hiding.She was subsequently dismissed.


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 10:40
Cattle rustling has become a major problem in South Rupununi, ChairpersonSouth Rupununi cattle farmers are complaining of heavy rustling in that Region Nine area.of the District Toshaos Council, Patrick Gomes,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, says.The problem is now threatening the sustainability of cattle business in South Rupununi, especially in Wapichan communities.According to Gomes, Brazilian ranchers cross the Guyana-Brazil border illegally to graze their herd,Cheap Jerseys From China, whenever the Takutu River is dry, and oftentimes leave with cattle belonging to local farmers.With cattle rearing a major economic activity for those communities, the constant rustling is affecting the industry’s viability and ranchers are facing financial hardships.Gomes explained that the Wapichan communities,Discount NFL Jerseys, with a population of about 8,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,000 persons, it is not unusual that each household has about two heads of cattle. In addition, there are several ranchers who conduct their business on a medium scale.The Toshao claimed that repeatedly the occurrences of rustling are reported to the Lethem Police Station but ranchers always told them that the station does not have a vehicle for ranks to conduct patrols.He added that these issues were raised at different forums with government officials, and at the National Toshaos Conference, but nothing is being done to secure ranchers’ livelihoods.Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, has admitted that cattle rustling is a big problem in communities close to the Guyana-Brazil border, which is porous.He emphasized that while the Agriculture Ministry is concerned about the health of the animals; rustling is beyond the Ministry’s jurisdiction and is a law enforcement responsibility.In terms of the health implications for the animals,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Dr. Ramsammy asserted that Guyana is certified free of foot and mouth disease which affects cattle. As such,Cheap NFL Jerseys, since it is alleged that Brazilians are rustling the animals, then local cattle are not threatened.He assured that the Ministry is trying to address the issue by monitoring local animals.