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帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-5 04:21
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The body of a Pegasus Hotel taxi driver was found in a clump of garbage on Cane-View Avenue, South Ruimveldt Gardens early yesterday morning.Dead Rudrinauth JeebooDead is Rudrinauth Jeeboo, of Lot 25 Delph and Craig Streets, Campbellville.Relatives identified the body yesterday morning shortly after 10:00hrs at the Lyken Funeral Home.Kaieteur News was told that the police were summoned to the area shortly after 07:30 hrs yesterday. Head of the Guyana Minibus Association Hilbert Archer, who lives a short distance away, was one of the first persons who saw the body lying in the rubbish pile.Archer told Kaieteur News that he immediately called the police operations room. He said that he also stopped vehicles from going too close to the “crime scene” since they could have destroyed whatever evidence was there.According to Archer, the area where the body was dumped is usually desolate after 18:00hrs.“Anybody could have dumped the body there….the area is really dark and lonely after hour.? Taxi drivers hardly come here when it’s dark” Archer explained.Relatives of the dead man declined to speak to the media yesterday.Meanwhile, police sources have said that three wounds were found on Jeeboo’s body. One source explained that there were wounds to the head, neck and chest. Kaieteur News was told that the police managed to get in touch with relatives after they found Jeeboo’s documents on his person,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, which contained contact numbers for relatives.Jeeboo’s newly purchased car was found abandoned?? at the back of Guyhoc Gardens.? Meanwhile, one employee of Pegasus Hotel told Kaieteur News that they are currently reviewing the surveillance cameras to see who was the last person picked up by Jeeboo.Some of Jeeboo’s colleagues said that he left home at around 21:00 hrs to pick up his car,NFL Jerseys Cheap, which he had left at the Pegasus. One source said that he was seen at the hotel up to midnight. This suggested that he was slain early yesterday morning.Kaieteur News understands that Jeeboo, said to be about 49, was employed at the Pegasus for at least 20 years.One driver described him as a cautious individual when soliciting passengers. However, another source explained that the victim had recently purchased his car and was working extra hours to make his payments.Investigators yesterday at the scene.This source suggested that Jeeboo would have strongly resisted any attempt to relieve him of the newly purchased vehicle.Cane View Avenue is desolate at nights and several people have been slain there over the years.In the late eighties,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the decomposing bodies of two unidentified women were found in the canal at the southern side of the street.On November 21, last,Cheap Jerseys From China, the decomposing remains of 43-year-old Dexter Baveghems, a homeless man,Stitched Jerseys,? was found wrapped in a tarpaulin on Cane View Avenue,Jerseys From China, between Purpleheart Street and David Rose Avenue.The body bore marks of violence.