標題: Jerseys Cheap Wholesale the hospital’

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-1 23:30
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Nurses at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation’s Paediatric Ward were on Thursday lauded at an appreciation ceremony for their care and support of a special young patient,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, five-year-old Joshua Moonsammy who died on Monday (August 3) after being at the institution almost his entire life.Joshua was abandoned by his mother at the hospital while he was just four months old after he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Thereafter,NFL Jerseys China, the hospital’s management and staff under the guidance of the child care protection services stepped in and began caring for him.One particular nurse was recognized for the bond she had developed over time with the child.Nurse Angela Edwards had been offering care beyond the call of duty as a nurse towards Joshua; she treated him like a relative.Edwards would often do his laundry and even took him to her home on several occasions to spend quality time. He was even taken on outings with Edwards’ family,China NBA Jerseys, with the last occasion being Easter for a kite-flying experience.The nurse said that she was anticipating celebrating the little boy’s sixth birthday with him in December,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but unfortunately those plans were wiped away by his passing.She described him as a pleasant child. His death according to a GPHC’s press release has caused Edwards much hurt and she is still to recover from it.Taking care of young Joshua was not a problem,Wholesale Jerseys, as Edwards made it clear that she would have done so as long as it was required.GPHC’s CEO Michael Khan applauded Edwards for going beyond the call of duty in caring for the child,Wholesale Jerseys, before handing her a token of appreciation. He also extended gratitude to other nurses at the Paediatric Ward for their admirable teamwork in providing special care for not only Joshua but other patients in the ward.Joshua Moonsammy was laid to rest on Wednesday.