標題: NFL Jerseys China protected]

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-11 10:36
分享  私人訊息  頂部
The government has accepted the offer by Kaieteur News to publish most,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, if not all government advertisements, free of cost. The offer was made by this newspaper in a front page comment last Sunday.President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday confirmed that the government will accept the offer and said that other media houses should emulate the effort of Kaieteur News.The basis of the offer by this newspaper was the public’s right to have access to information given that the government has now decided to place government advertisements and notices through a website.This newspaper has argued that the use of government advertising has become a weapon to strangle Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News.The front page comment stated that the decision that ads for the government will now be done via a designated website on the Internet, is an indication that this policy has now evolved into open warfare against both newspapers.The comment further noted that this latest development in redirecting ads from the private media is intended to financially suffocate the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News.It was noted that newspapers depend on advertising for their financial survival and Kaieteur News is no different since a great deal of our revenue is derived from advertisements, including government ads.“However,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Brazil-Felipe-Anderson-Jersey.html, we have always made it clear that our primary mission is not about money.It is about making a difference in our country by providing the public with information and opinions which would allow them to make informed choices: the very quintessence of democratic participation,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey,” the front-page comment indicated.The page one comment further pointed out that the public has an interest in receiving information about government contracts and in the procurement of goods and services and by advertising in the print media,Supply Cheap Jerseys, accountability and transparency are served and the public’s right to information is respected and observed.Publisher of Kaieteur News said, yesterday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, that the newspaper awaits the advertisements at [email protected]