標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys China at my age

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-11 14:13
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The 74-year-old President of the Guyana Volleyball Federation Lenox Shuffler is recovering well after receiving a gunshot wound to his left ankle when bandits attacked him on Friday afternoon.The robbers also relieved Shuffler, the General Manager of Toucan Industries, of a bag containing $2M, just as he was leaving his Water Street,Cheap Jerseys From China, Kingston business place around 17:15 hours.Lenox ShufflerPolice in a press release yesterday said that Shuffler had closed his office and was on his way to join a motor vehicle which was parked outside the premises when he was confronted by two men on a motorcycle, one of whom was armed with a handgun.The businessman told this newspaper yesterday that the two men emerged suddenly from behind a parked vehicle.“I had about eight of my staff at the front,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, so I was fairly comfortable coming out of the office. These men came in the blink of an eye and I immediately realized what was happening,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” Shuffler told this newspaper during a telephone interview.One of the men placed his gun to the businessman’s right thigh while the other man grabbed at a bag that he was carrying at the time.“They said nothing to me, they just grabbed the bag,” Shuffler stated.According to the police,China NFL Jerseys, Shuffler resisted and was shot to his left ankle,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, after which the perpetrators took away the bag with the cash and escaped.Shuffler said that he was lucky that he had not entered the car since he believes that the gun might have been pointed to his chest instead of his thigh.“I turned and the gun mouth slipped away and then the guy fired,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the bullet hitting my ankle. I stayed down,” the businessman explained.The driver of the motor vehicle that Shuffler was about to enter pursued the robbers, but they managed to evade him through traffic.Shuffler was briefly treated at a private hospital shortly after the incident.“I am thanking my lucky stars. If that bullet had damaged my leg, at my age, I could have been laid up.”The businessman is of the view that since the men timed their act to perfection; they had to be monitoring his operations for a while.No one has so far been arrested and Shuffler is confident that he will be back at work tomorrow.