標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China he said

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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2017-12-11 20:51
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More rehabilitation works will soon be undertaken by the Georgetown Sewage System as part of the continuous efforts of Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to improve the integrity of the system.This is according to GWI’s Water Resources Engineer and Project Manager,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Shimbhudyal Naitram, who revealed during an interview with Kaieteur News, yesterday, that works are expected to get underway after a process of tendering is completed.The Project, which is being dubbed the Georgetown Sanitation Improvement Programme (GY: L 1025), is valued at US$10M and will be funded by a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Guyana.IDB, Naitram said, will provide a total of US$9.5M of the project cost and the Government will cover the remaining US$0.5M. An agreement to this effect was inked last month, according to the Project Manager.The loan which will be applicable for a five-year period will help to fund four components of the project with the first being the rehabilitation of the Georgetown sewer ring main. According to Naitram under component one of the project 5.5 kilometers of the ring main will be rehabilitated and pipes will be replaced from the pumping stations to the distribution mains.This project will also entail the purchase and installation of 24 additional pumps for the 24 pumping stations around Georgetown. “We are now about to tender out this project so actual physical work is expected to start later this year or by early next year.“There is a specific procedure that we have to follow based on the Bank’s requirements and so after the tendering stage we should be able to start works.”The continuous rehabilitation of the system, Naitram said, is essential in recognition of the fact that the existing system is decades old, therefore there is a crucial need to upgrade the system to cater to an expanding Georgetown population.A previous rehabilitation project, he noted, was geared at rehabilitating aspects of the system to improve its operation.“That last project rehabilitated 15 stations and there were partial works done to some additional stations. Currently we have 21 stations in operation around Georgetown,” he revealed.The works, which came under that project titled ‘Georgetown Water Supply and Sewerage Programme II, Rehabilitation of Sewerage pumps’, were also undertaken with funding from the government with the support of a loan from the IDB valued at $170.6M.Based on the details of that contract (LO 1047/SF-GY), the project should have been completed in its entirety within a seven-month period. The scope of that project,nfl jerseys china, it was stated, necessitated the extension of the pumping station walls, installation of new pumps and replacement of pipelines and some painting works.At the end of the project the walls of all of the pumping stations should have been reinforced and a kiosk was reportedly planted.? The project commenced in November 2009 and saw the contractor completing stations at the corners of Parade and Barack Streets, New Garden and Laluni Streets, Main and Quamina Streets, Haley and Hadfield Streets,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Winter Place and Hadfield Street,Jerseys From China, Louisa Row and Princes Street and at High and Princes Streets.Works were also carried out on stations at Main and New Market Streets,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Light and Second Streets, Camp and Quamina Streets and at Cooper and Sussex Streets.However, Naitram said yesterday that in order to realise a truly significant improvement in the sewage system the new project will have to be completed.“It is a large investment to bring back the sewage system to what it needs to be, and right now if it is to function properly several critical components have to be finished.”Among these, he said, the pumping stations must be working properly, the ring main has to be properly sized and reliable even as the distribution mains are reliable enough in order to transmit the effluents towards the outfalls.However, he noted, that since the completion of the last project there has been a noticeable improvement in the system evident by a drastic reduction in the number of customers’ complaints as it relates to overflows.“There is an improvement but it is currently not where we want it to be and so we want to improve our reliability on the system. We want consistency, we don’t want burst mains and we don’t want the