標題: Cheap NHL Jerseys and Mrs August

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-10 06:16
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Pupils of Number Five Village Primary school,China Cheap Jerseys, West Coast Berbice yesterday received another set of gifts from Mr Bertie Bacchus,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, a former pupil and former teacher at the school during the late 1950s.Mr Bacchus migrated to Canada more than 30 years ago and has been living there ever since but has been contributing to the welfare of his alma mater for the past 25 years.Three pupils of the Number Five Primary school with the gifts yesterday with Mr Johnson (right) Mrs Bishundyal (centre) and Mrs August (left).Previous gifts to the school comprised sports gear and books for the library.He has also been providing scholarships to outstanding performers? at the school at the Secondary Schools Entrance Examinations (SSEE). These scholarships help defray traveling expenses every term.Yesterday’s donations included more sports gear plus a laptop computer which will be used in the schools’ Information Technology laboratory for which construction is imminent.The venue was the school auditorium and they were handed over by members of the locally-based Bertie Bacchus Scholarship Fund (BBSF) on his behalf.The two members who made the donations were Mrs Coreena August,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, Treasurer,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and Mr Samuel Johnson,Wholesale Jerseys, Chairman and the gifts were received by Senior Mistress Mrs U Bishundyal on behalf of the school.Members of the BBSF said that money from the scholarship fund assists the top pupil at Secondary School Entrance Examinations (SSEE) each year with their transportation costs to and from secondary schools for the five-year duration of their stay at these institutions.Mr Bacchus had set up the fund for top performers at the? Number Five Village Primary School in 1986 and has been giving money every year since then.Donations from Mr Bacchus had started at? two hundred dollars per term in the eighties and he had over the years gradually increased this amount to the current status.There are five former pupils from the Primary school who are at the moment beneficiaries of this support .Mr Bacchus currently resides at Richmond Hill in Canada.