標題: Cheap Jerseys From China CPA

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-10 06:17
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Parliamentarians,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Committee chairpersons and clerks at the Parliament office of Guyana are now equipped to make the operations of the Parliament more effective. They had just concluded a three-day extensive training conducted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).The workshop covered the functions of committees,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, policy-making,Wholesale China Jerseys, development of legislation and overall international best practices guiding the operations of Parliaments.Chairperson of the CPA,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Yasmin Ratansi, said that the exchange of ideas was to chart the way forward for Guyana’s Parliament.“We would like to ensure that as we exchange ideas, the good points are brought together,” she said. In so doing, Parliamentarians’ responsibility to their constituency is strengthened, Ratansi added.The CPA Chairperson believes that Guyanese Parliamentarians are capable of addressing the issues affecting the country’s peoples. This, she said,Cheap MLS Jerseys, impressed her team.“The Guyanese people have a lot of experience, a lot of intelligence and they can find solutions to all the problems…They gave us the solutions and what we can do is give you additional tools for best practices and together,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, because Parliament is such an evolving process, we hope we can work and build a better future for everyone.”The CPA will continue to give guidance to the process. The association and the Parliament of Guyana have over the years conducted several training programmes with parliamentarians and staff of the parliament office to build capacity in keeping with international best practices. (GINA)