標題: Discount Football Jerseys Campbellville location

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1830
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-10 07:53
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By Michael JordanPNCR General Secretary Oscar Clarke survived a terrifying attack at the hands of four young bandits who shot him twice and gun-butted him at around 20:45hrs yesterday after storming his Lot 37 Plum Park, Sophia home while posing as policemen.Clarke, 74, was shot in the region of the left groin and left side of his abdomen after he struggled with two of the intruders who had taken him to his bedroom. His wife, Linda, was slapped by the robbers, who also escaped with an undisclosed sum of valuables after holding up the couple’s son and daughter-in-law. There were no reports of any arrests.Mrs. Clarke described the gunmen as ‘boys’ in their twenties.PNCR General Secretary Oscar ClarkeClarke,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, who was fully conscious, was initially rushed to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Two medical officials who examined the elderly politician said that the injuries did not appear to be life-threatening.? Relatives were told that Mr. Clarke did not appear to have sustained any internal injuries, while PNCR Parliamentarian Dr. George Norton said that Clarke would have suffered major damage to his internal organs had the bullet entered at a different angle.The PNCR stalwart also suffers from hypertension and doctors were monitoring his pressure, which was abnormally high.An extremely traumatized Mrs. Clarke told reporters that Mr. Clarke had left Congress Place and had then picked her up at a Stone Avenue, Campbellville location, where she had attended a meeting.They headed to their Sophia home, where Mr. Clarke parked the car and then entered the couple’s bottom flat. Meanwhile, Mrs. Clarke said she remained outside playing with a puppy and speaking to her daughter-in-law, Apphia.Mrs. Clarke said she was also expecting four male cousins to come to pick up some items, and shortly after,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, she saw ‘four boys’ enter the yard.“ONE GRABBED AND SAID POLICE”“I saw four boys coming in through the gate and she (the daughter-in-law) said ‘look the boys here now,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2018,’ but I looked and said ‘those boys don’t look like my nephews.’”“Then one of them grabbed me and said ‘police’. She recalled that the youth who grabbed her had a handgun while another intruder carried a ‘long gun.’Mrs. Clarke said that her daughter-in-law attempted to flee to the upstairs flat, but the bandit with the ‘long gun’ pointed his weapon at the fleeing woman, “so I pleaded with her to come downstairs.”She said that at that point the bandit with the handgun slapped her and told her not to move. The robbers then took her into the bottom flat and ordered her to lie facedown. She also recalled that one of the robbers kept asking for “the canister.”Meanwhile, the other gunmen had taken Mr. Clarke to the bedroom, and as the terrified woman lay on the floor, she suddenly heard her spouse scuffling with the intruders.“I GET SHOT…”“While I was lying on the floor I heard two shots and he (Mr. Clarke) start to shout ‘Linda…Linda…but I couldn’t scream because the one with the gun was over me.”According to Mrs. Clarke, the robbers then went to the upper flat which her son, Derwyn Lyte and his wife occupied. She said that the men relieved the couple of money and other valuables. Nothing was taken from Mr. Clarke’s flat.After lying on the floor for some minutes and hearing no other sounds, Mrs. Clarke said she rose and went to the bedroom where the robbers had taken her husband. She found the door locked and kicked it open.“I saw my husband in a kneeling position and he said ‘I get shot…I get shot…’ and I ran outside and started to scream.” With assistance from her son,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the family took the wounded Mr. Clarke to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He was then transferred to the GPHC.Family members and several senior PNCR members,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/FC-Bayern-Munich/, including Opposition Leader David Granger arrived at the GPHC to see their wounded colleague.PNCR General Secretary Oscar Clarke at the hospitalSpeaking briefly to Kaieteur News, APNU Leader David Granger expressed concern at the lack of security in the country and noted that at least three armed robberies occurred daily.He said that the bandits who committed the brazen attack had to be aware that the premises they had attacked was the home of the PNCR General Secretary.“This clearly is an armed robbery and we must use this occasion for greater security.”