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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2017-12-10 11:03
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– Granger is not militant enough as a leader – GaskinIf the works of the Opposition were to be graded at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) since they attained the one-seat majority, the opposition would undoubtedly secure a Grade Four.Ramon GaskinThis assertion was made by Financial Analyst, Mr. Ramon Gaskin who is of the firm belief that the Opposition has done a poor job since the 2011 elections.Gaskin says that while the Opposition which consists of the; the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), worked together and were successful in placing a halt on the controversial Amaila Falls Hydro Project, the Anti Money Laundering Bill and have made notable cuts to the 2013 budget which is still before the court,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, they have still missed a few more critical issues that require immediate attention.He made reference to the fact that the corrupt acts of NICIL still continue without consistent resistance by the Opposition.“When we look at the Opposition, we don’t see them outlining half of these things and protesting against them. In fact, other persons within our society have been more aggressive and steady in the fight against corruption. Our Opposition has to do more and with the gift of being in the majority, their work for the past two years is sorely unsatisfactory.”Gaskin referred to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) which he believes is also slow in its work and has not been doing enough to pinpoint the violations of the constitution by the Government.The analyst said, “The Opposition should have been working day and night in order to get this government out of office… The Accounts Committee and the Opposition should have been working hand in hand to expose this government and be behind it for the illegal contracts it drafted.”David GrangerGaskin claims that the biggest failure of APNU and the AFC is their inability to mobilize the people. “This is not struggle today and rest tomorrow. The behavior of the Opposition is one that reflects laziness. One of the greatest leaders of South Africa, Mr. Nelson Mandela has proved to us that nothing can be accomplished without struggle.But while the Opposition speaks of how corrupt the government is, they don’t prepare to fight the battle. They have to understand that the people put them there to fight for their cause and not go on vacation. In fact, the Opposition goes on vacation more than the school children.”“The fact that the Opposition has to be spoon fed on certain topics shows that they have not been doing enough research.? They are not vigilant enough. They need to do more union work,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, more research and more work in the Parliament.”As for the Leader of the APNU, the analyst said that Mr. David Granger is not doing anything, “but talking.”? He said, “Granger is not sufficiently militant for the people of Guyana. When there are protests,Cheap Jerseys USA, we hardly see him and this is something he needs to change.”Mr. Granger, when questioned on the successes and failures of his opposition collation, requested that the questions be directed to Mr. Carl Greenidge, the financial spokesman of the coalition and Mr. Joseph Harmon, who functions in the capacity of Shadow Minister of Public Works and Telecommunications.In winning 26 seats in the National Assembly, Greenidge said that APNU continues to fight for the constitutional reforms agreed in 2002 and the implementation of the key constitutional decisions taken by the House and fight for the interests of the poor .At the APNU press conference on Friday last, when the Opposition leader was asked what course of action his party intends to take with regard to the five percent increase for public servants, he said “We have stated clearly that the five percent is inadequate.”“However, in keeping with our principles, we do not interfere with the negotiation process between the union and the government and we have asked for this to be done in good faith… We feel that it is not in our place to say what percentage should be given. The (trade) union can speak for itself and we support its demands…and we are prepared to accept the outcome of that process.”This was in stark contrast to the sentiments expressed by members of AFC.Carl GreenidgeThey asserted that they will join the public servants in their protests as they support the notion that the five percent increase is simply insufficient.As for the goals which remain hanging in the balance, he said that “at the top of that list would be the removal of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) from office by way of the electoral process…and to bring an end to its excesses.”This he contended may not necessarily be the goals of the other Opposition Party or “it may not have been its goal to