標題: Julius Nattinen Sophia mason

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-10 11:13
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Sophia mason,Wholesale China Jerseys, Nigel Lowe,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/FC-Borussia-Dortmund/, who was beaten to death on Wednesday last died as a result of shock and haemorrhage due to a fractured skull which was caused by a blunt instrument.The post mortem was done yesterday at the Georgetown Public hospital by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh.Up to press time yesterday four persons were still in police custody assisting with the investigation.On Wednesday morning most of Guyana was shocked as images of a naked dead man tied to a utility pole began circulating. The man Nigel Roy Lowe of Joe Singh Drive,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Sophia, was accused of stealing and was severely beaten to death in ‘B’ Field Sophia.This publication was told that Lowe had emerged from a latrine in a yard occupied by his mother’s tenants. An occupant of the house raised an alarm. Reports are that a large crowd converged and attacked Lowe in ‘A’ Field Sophia.Source say Lowe was then tied and dragged over to ‘B’ Field Sophia where he was tied to a utility pole and left to die. A heap of wood was packed over the man’s body.Investigations are ongoing.And a post mortem on the remains of 33 year-old Mark Anthony Fredricks has revealed that he died as a result of tuberculosis.Fredericks of Barnwell Squatting Area, Mocha,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, East Bank Demerara died following an altercation with a woman at Barnwell Squatting Area.On Saturday last police detained a pregnant mother of four who allegedly stabbed a drunken and amorous Fredericks Friday evening while both were at a ‘wake house’.Fredericks and his alleged assailant were said to be under the influence of alcohol when the incident occurred.The slain man’s mother said that she had seen her injured son shortly after he was stabbed and that he had identified his assailant as ‘Simone’.It is unclear why no attempt was made to take the wounded man to a hospital.A sister of the suspect said that her sibling alleged that she had escorted Fredericks’ parents to their home shortly after midnight and was walking on a dam when Fredericks, who was under the influence of alcohol,Wholesale Jerseys China, grabbed her from behind.It is alleged that despite the woman’s pleas,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Fredericks pushed his hand into the woman’s underwear, which led the woman to draw a knife and stab him.It was only until several hours later that the family learnt that Fredericks had died. The woman was arrested.