標題: http://www.soccerpro.us.com/England/ GINA

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-10 15:22
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Agriculture Minister,Wholesale Jerseys China, Robert Persaud recently headed a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture to China at the invitation of the Chinese Government. It was intended to further specific co-operation between Guyana and China.Currently,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, there is no specific co-operation between the Ministries of Agriculture of the two countries.The visit was further intended to formalise co-operation between Guyana and China in the context of the China Bilateral Co-operation Agreement.Minister Persaud stated that the increase in co-operation in agriculture between Guyana and China will allow for effective and practical agriculture to minimise the impact on farmers and the general population to provide food. He also highlighted Guyana’s potential for agricultural co-operation and investment with the availability of fertile land and fresh water.He added that further co-operation between China/Guyana can reduce the impact of climate and economic crisis on agriculture.Minister Persaud and his delegation met with China’s Minister of Agriculture, Sun Zhengca and agreed on areas of co-operation such as hybrid rice research,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, aquaculture,NFL Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, transfer of technology and support for traditional and non-traditional agricultural sectors.China’s Agriculture Minister,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Sun Zhengca,Authentic Jerseys China, stated that Guyana and China have developed a close relationship over the years.He said that he hoped that the visit will strengthen co-operation in agriculture between the two countries.Guyana and China have practical co-operation with already positive results from previous co-operation between the two countries through China’s volunteer programme.He stated that “the China Government attaches great importance to the agriculture co-operation between our two countries and his country is willing to work together to push co-operation to a higher level. (GINA)