標題: Adidas Mike Ribeiro Jersey Jose Nivet

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2482
用戶失蹤天數 1829
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-9 10:37
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…honoured at retirement receptionThe man credited with building the Ansa McAl foothold in Guyana, Deputy Chairman Paul Chan-a-Sue, has retired. He was honoured by the company at a reception held at the Georgetown Club recently.The 65-year-old has been with Ansa McAl Group of Companies for some 14 years after joining the conglomerate, and was tasked with having the Group establish a firm foothold in Guyana, which he did.According to Chan-a-Sue, the greatest challenge, and source of pride, during his tenure was the growth of the company. “It was like watching a child grow.”Chan-a-Sue, during an interview with this newspaper, said that he will now turn his attention to tightening his computer skills, and aims to learn a foreign language. “In this business, you are always postponing.”He did note, also,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, that he has no interest in entering politics.? A born Guyanese,Adidas Marek Mazanec Jersey, Chan-a-Sue went to St Mary’s, thence to Saint Stanislaus College. He was awarded a Booker’s Cadetship, and when he returned to Guyana he went to work at Bookers as an Assistant Chief Accountant, eventually being promoted to Chief Accountant.Chan-a-Sue worked his way up the corporate ladder until he was appointed the last director of Bookers before it was divested. He then worked as the executive chairman of the new entity.He functioned in that position at Guyana National Shipping Corporation, Guyana National Printers and Guyana Oil Company,Laurent Koscielny Arsenal Jersey UK, among others.He was an ardent lover of cricket, which he played throughout his life. He also played squash.The function held in his honour was attended by several senior entrepreneurs, Ministers of Government,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, members of the diplomatic corps,China NFL Jerseys, as well as senior functionaries of the Ansa McAl Group of Companies.Chairman of the Group in Barbados, David Inglefield, told the gathering that Chan-a-Sue had served the company unswervingly, had led a distinguished career, and has enabled the company to be in a position to face the growth ahead.Chairman of Ansa McAl (Guyana), Jose Nivet, said that Chan-a-Sue was an all- rounder and served his country well, which is evident in the fact that he was awarded the Golden Arrow of Achievement.Chairman of the Group, Norman Sabga, said that Chan-a-Sue was fortunate to be retiring when he still had good health so that he could be able to go on to do other things. “You don’t retire from, you retire to.”? Sabga, in expressing his appreciation for Chan-a-Sue’s contribution to the company, said that Chan-a-Sue left the company in a far better state than when he joined it.Ansa McAl Trading Guyana Limited has an annual turnover of approximately US$8.3 million, and employs over 85 persons.