標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys btrl0qcu

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-9 23:28
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When people want lose anything dem does guh to de Stadium. A man guh to a show wheh dem had plenty people. He park he car and he carry he friends inside. He sport but he know that he had to drive suh he didn’t drink too much.When he step outside he go to de place wheh he park and he freeze. Dem boys seh that he rub he eye. Then he guh back inside and come out again. This time he bring he friends. He ask dem if he drunk because he know he didn’t drink plenty.? “Is nah mad me mad?” People thief he car and to this day he never find it.He is not de only one. Nuff people lose car and motorbike. While people sporting dem have de set who wukking. One man ketch people stripping he car right at de stadium and when he holler dem run way wid wah dem done tek off.Clement daughter guh to a show at de Stadium and people tackle she and rob she. Although police does deh round,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, that don’t prevent people from getting rob.People does end up getting dem pocket pick and who got gold chain got to know that dem people at de Stadium gun tek it.Nuff people going there today. Dem going to celebrate wid de Big Man. Dem boys know is a big occasion but people got to move like Anancy. Dance a battam,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, look a tap. While you celebrating wid de Big Man,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, peep outside. De alternative is fuh walk wid anchor chain and strap down yuh car,Cheap Jerseys, or yuh motorbike.A man did try that and all he find was de wheel wha strap down.Hold yuh pocket and strap yuh neck if yuh got gold chain or yuh ent gun appreciate what gun happen.Talk half. Lef half.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2456
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-9 23:32
By Desilon Daniels “There is a lot of work that we have to do in terms of growing the economy and moving forward and I think if we’re going to ask our potential leaders anything,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, it is to provide that vision and that picture in terms of how we move forward and what do they see as the role of the private sector.” – Lance HindsWith the highly anticipated announcement of the nation’s next government about a month away, the business community has opined that the new government must plainly state the role of the private sector if Guyana’s economy is to grow and live up to its potential.From left: President of the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA) Clinton Williams, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Ramesh Persaud and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industries (GCCI) Lance HindsThe community also declared that the government must allow the private sector to take up more economic space and “grow unfettered”.The assertions were made during yesterday’s broadcast of the radio programme “Hard Talk” which featured President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industries (GCCI) Lance Hinds, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Ramesh Persaud and President of the Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA) Clinton Williams.During the hour-long programme, Hinds asserted that a clear plan of action is needed for the private sector to move forward. Hinds said that one of the country’s main interests should be to clearly see the roles both the private sector and the government play. He said too that the government occupies “a tremendous amount of economic space”, a situation that needed to be addressed.“The question is whether the government would become more of an enabler on the policy section and the policy side and allow the private sector to grow unfettered and fill these areas they are currently occupying,” Hinds said.Hinds further said that Guyana’s current economic situation could be much further along, especially when compared to other economies. Currently, he said, Guyana’s economy stands at a value of $3B. In comparison, Suriname’s economy is $5B while Barbados has a $4B economy “even with its difficulties”. Both countries,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he said, are small in population and geographical size.“I’m not even going to speak about Trinidad and Jamaica; Jamaica is a $15B economy in terms of GDP,” Hinds said.“There is a lot of work that we have to do in terms of growing the economy and moving forward and I think if we’re going to ask our potential leaders anything, it is to provide that vision and that picture in terms of how we move forward and what do they see as the role of the private sector.”Hinds said that the next leaders must have a plan on how they can remove some of the bugbears and difficulties experienced by the business community on a regular basis.“There are things that have been on the table for years that we have been asking for…and some of those matters are still outstanding. We would hope that in this next iteration of government that whoever is in power, far more attention will be paid to the concepts and the operational matters that are critical to the growth of business in Guyana,Cheap Jerseys Supply,” Hinds emphasised.Similarly, Persaud agreed that though much had been done to improve Guyana’s economy, the country still had more to achieve.“The general environment for business and the growth and development of business may not be as perfect as we would like it to be, but the environment still was adequate and sufficient to nurture some level of growth and development in business…We would like it to be much more enhanced and much more improved and we’re saying that in the context of when we compare ourselves with many other countries, there are lots that could have been done,” Persaud said.Persaud was also questioned on the public’s perception on the business community’s failure to hold the government accountable. In response,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Persaud indicated that simply because the private sector was not confrontational did not mean the body was not attempting to promote pro-business policies.“The public is always entitled to views; from where we sit we know that we do a lot work, not only to shape the opinions of the people, but we do a lot of work behind the scenes in promoting pro-business policies,” Persaud said.“We only take public positions when we can’t get things done through negotiations and through the normal course, and the mere fact that we have not been very vocal on things that people might deem to be negative and want us to be confrontational on is that many of the times we are working through the process, through discussion and through negoti