標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys CID

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2469
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發表於 2017-12-10 02:26
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...denies knowing other defendantsPremnauth Samaroo, one of the five men accused of robbing Land Court Judge, Nicola Pierre and herLand Court Judge, Nicola Pierrehusband at their home located in the gated community of Felicity, East Coast Demerara, has denied having any involvement in the robbery that occurred on July 9, last.Samaroo, 49, of Lot 6 Craig Street,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Campbellville, Georgetown was called on yesterday to lead a defence as the trial continued before Magistrate Zamilla Ally-Seepaul in the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.He chose to give an unsworn statement after seeking advice from his Attorney Adrian Thompson.Samaroo; Damien Millington, 22, of Lot 118 Caesar Street, Agricola; Nicholas Narine, 18, also of Caesar Street Agricola; Anthony David, 28, of 63 Hadfield Street, Stabroek and Warren Mc Kenzie, 22 of Lot 18 Brutus Street, Agricola are jointly facing three charges,Dan Marino Dolphins Jersey, two for the offence of robbery under-arms committed on Pierre and her husband, Mohamed Chand; and another for the offence of discharging a loaded firearm at security guard,Cristopher Toselli Jersey, Ron Peters.They have all pleaded not guilty to the charges and are currently on remand. During his testimony he denied knowing his co-defendants.The defendant told the court that on the night of the robbery he was at a friend in Festival City playing X-Box video games.He recalled that moments later he accompanied his friend to Agriculture Road.“Me and two other persons drive up (in a motorcar) to Agriculture Road and been and collect me friend right by he girl.? He (the friend) does live right in Festival City.Samaroo recounted that two other individuals joined the car.He added that while on their way from the girl’s home the vehicle started to gave mechanical problems.? He said that his friend drove the vehicle on the train line to Better Hope when the car broke down.The defendant stated, “We were pushing it (the car) to Georgetown. The driver end up telling we that he got family in Plaisance”.According to Samaroo, they managed to get the car to the home of his friend’s relatives and parked the vehicle in front of the yard.However, he told the court that while he and the other persons were standing in front of the yard they heard, “boom boom”.“I don’t know if it was explosives going off”, Samaroo said.Samaroo testified that he and his companions were desperate to find some mode of transportation. He added that they walked out to Plaisance Public Road to catch a bus or taxi.“While standing there…we didn’t know something happen about the place…So a police guy run across the road with a big gun and stick up all five of us and took we to the Plaisance lock-ups.”The defendant stated that they spent the night in the lock-ups and were taken to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID),China Jersyes Cheap, Eve Leary the following morning.While at CID, Samaroo recounted that he met the Head of Major Crimes Units Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Mitchell Caesar.He said that ASP Caesar inquired from him the reason why he was brought into custody. Samaroo related that he told ASP Caesar the same story. The defendant stated that the ASP instructed that they be taken back to the Plaisance lock-ups.He told the court that they were subsequently taken to the Beterverwagting Police Station where the police “did their forensic” and found nothing on him.Three ID paradesIt was at the Beterverwagting Police Station,cheap nfl jerseys, the defendant said, that he was placed on three identification (ID) parades. On the third ID parade, he related that he was pointed out by “some guard man”Samaroo concluded, “That was it…I end up in prison for something me aint do. These four men (the other defendants) I don’t know them.He, however, requested to call witnesses to support his case. These witnesses, he told the court, were two of the men that were with him in the car. But he could not recall their names. His Attorney was instructed by the Magistrate to produce the names and addresses of the witnesses today so that summonses can be prepared and sent for them to attend court.